

Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
Keros said:
Considering there seems to be a Supra stolen per week, my next upgrade I think, will be an engine kill switch.

I hope your car comes back in one peice, because it's a damn nice car :(

just dont mount the kill switch in a place where it is easily seen, kicked or any place where they are commonly mounted.

to the origional poster, i am quite sorry for your loss. hopefully your insurance wont fuck you on what they give you and that you will have enough to build up another.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
Derek1224 said:
I have full coverage on the car so i'll be ok that way. I just hope that they don't try to low ball me on the value of my car. Lucky for me I have all the reciepts from the stuff I've done to it so I should be OK.

reciepts dont mean diddely. Ask me how i know when i turned in 4k workth of recipts on the cobra and got nothing for em.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
OH NOOO!!!!!, we just put so much work into it, that sucks big time.............BTW people this is a RHD JZA70, and one of the very few Mica green cars, so it shouldnt be too hard to spot. Me and Jeremy are going 4x4ing this weekend around Harrison/ Chehalis lake so we will keep and eye out for it.

This is a wake up call to all Supra owners, INSATALL AN ALARM WITH IGNITION KILL !!!!!


The Reaper

Single, and lovin' it!!
Jan 10, 2006
yea like CKanderson said receipts mean dick....unless you get specialty insurance in which they scan all of your receipts and keep them on file but you pay ALOT more in your premium

91T breezen'

Apr 4, 2005
This just absolutely sucks! I know exactly how you feel, I had a 4x4 Toyota truck stolen a few years back. Hopefully, you will get your beautiful Supra back, as I did my truck, no worse the wear. It was two weeks later, but at least the cops did find it.
Hoping for a similar result for you.

ALL car thieves should be shot dead,:icon_evil and then prosecuted to the full limits of the law!:evil2:


2-Tone BLUE
Feb 23, 2006
Cincinnati, OH
sorry to hear about your car man. my celica gt-s was stolen from right in front of my apartment in march. now i'm using the supra as a daily driver. i just take the maft-pro unit out of the car overnight. i'd like to see them start it without out it :p


Apr 4, 2005
Shit deal! I'll keep my eyes out for it. be sure to look on revscene for the parts aswell.
when you catch those a$$holes ask them how to they got in (i just locked myself out of mine!) then have Randy drive them waaaaayyyy out in the boonies and leave them there. You can't get in trouble for that can you?
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Local Tire Destroyer
May 27, 2005
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Well shit that blows
My very first MA70 ended up on an Indian Reserve in a fence
I hope yours is just sitting somewhere and is ok

If it makes it to 1JZ is faster, so those fuckers won't be able to get away :)


Drafting, not tailgating
May 18, 2005
HippieTown, CA
Sorry for your loss -

It is ridiculous when people of today's modern society cannot have at least the minimal respect of other's property and not fuck with what is not theirs. And it sucks to have something nice, yet constantly worry about some asshole doing something out of spite (stealing the car, parts from, dents, keying, etc) because they don't have something that someone else does. What ever happened to getting a fucking job and working towards a goal (what ever your object of desire is)? Is it because its not instantaneous? Because it takes more than an hour?

For a car that was built in such low numbers and comes equip with a factory alarm (usually making it a harder target) why the (seemingly) sudden increase in thefts? It seems since dec or jan, every week or so there is a thread here or on SF about someone's car being stolen (especially in CA). And then just last week someone comes on asking how to disable the factory alarm and within the hour there is a detailed post on "how to". (

Do we want to make it easier for our cars to be stolen? Sorry for the rant - but I am sick and tired of seeing people's cars stolen. And with the $$ I have spent on just the drivetrain, you can bet your ass there is an aftermarket alarm protecting it as well as multiple power cut-off switches. I cannot stand being paranoid about this kind of stuff - it pains me to see honest people getting ramrodded by thieves out in front of their own homes.

Fucking ridiculous. /rant.

Sorry about your loss.


2 Turbos, 1JZ, No Equal
Nov 25, 2006
Abbotsford, BC, Canada
bwest said:
Sorry for your loss -

It is ridiculous when people of today's modern society cannot have at least the minimal respect of other's property and not fuck with what is not theirs. And it sucks to have something nice, yet constantly worry about some asshole doing something out of spite (stealing the car, parts from, dents, keying, etc) because they don't have something that someone else does. What ever happened to getting a fucking job and working towards a goal (what ever your object of desire is)? Is it because its not instantaneous? Because it takes more than an hour?

For a car that was built in such low numbers and comes equip with a factory alarm (usually making it a harder target) why the (seemingly) sudden increase in thefts? It seems since dec or jan, every week or so there is a thread here or on SF about someone's car being stolen (especially in CA). And then just last week someone comes on asking how to disable the factory alarm and within the hour there is a detailed post on "how to". (

Do we want to make it easier for our cars to be stolen? Sorry for the rant - but I am sick and tired of seeing people's cars stolen. And with the $$ I have spent on just the drivetrain, you can bet your ass there is an aftermarket alarm protecting it as well as multiple power cut-off switches. I cannot stand being paranoid about this kind of stuff - it pains me to see honest people getting ramrodded by thieves out in front of their own homes.

Fucking ridiculous. /rant.

Sorry about your loss.

Thank you and very well put.

There's too many low lifes around who want things NOW and aren't willing to work towards getting it for themselves. If I ever see the jacka$$ that stole my car I swear that you'll be reading about them in the obituaries the next day! I have 0 tolerance for car thieves.:icon_evil