My plenum is over at the machine shop getting finished. Still, I was wondering what to do since the stock vacuum fitting that sits in front of the ISC/AIC had to get cut and welded shut. To give details, I eliminated the EGR and threw away that little "spider" tube that directed vacuum all over the place (PS pump, a VSV, EGR, forgot what else).
Now, I'm really not concerned with directing vacuum lines to the PS pump either, so that's another thing that gets eliminated. So can I just ask to have a vacuum fitting tapped somewhere on the intake and use it for the VSV? Or is there anything else?
Oh also, the fitting for the brake booster is in tact, so no worries there.
Now, I'm really not concerned with directing vacuum lines to the PS pump either, so that's another thing that gets eliminated. So can I just ask to have a vacuum fitting tapped somewhere on the intake and use it for the VSV? Or is there anything else?
Oh also, the fitting for the brake booster is in tact, so no worries there.