Dziuggy: Yes, I already have the lower pipe - did that one quite some time ago, used the HowTo from the socal site. Which is linked to in our FAQ, IIRC.
Xrated: Well, kindof. I had the idea to do this quite some time ago, but I was going to pickup some silicone 90 degree bends and use all straight pipe. I've wanted to get rid of the stock plastic fenderwall peice for some time - ever since I replaced the lower aluminum elbow, actually. Brian's workshop built on this in two ways - cutting up the stock hoses to use as couplers, and using the 90 degree bends to smooth the air path.
Total cost to me was under $40 CDN, including clamps and taxes. But I got to cheat a little, I had some leftover stock clamps.
This is a great mod for the price, and it'll keep me happy until I can afford to get a complete intake system - hardpipes, bov, side to side IC, and forward facing intake. That'll be a while yet.