Stock CT26 efficiency?


Mk3 Addict
May 21, 2008
Hartford CT
my car still has the stock ct26, i have 3 inch dp, 3 inch exhaust .. head studs and MHG, also a MBC, now, i set it so i can boost 12 pounds, which is does, but there is a tremendous amount of drop off.. when it was hotter out, it would drop instantly.. now its chilly the drop isnt so hard. but at the saem time. if i go 1st it booosts and holds, 2nd it boosts and holds til bout 5k rpm then it drops to bout 8 lbs .. then when i go 3rd it only boosts to like 3-5lbs and stays there.... this also happens if i start in second and go third and then it does the same thing in 4th.. coiuld anyone tell me wat might be wrong? . im parking it for the winter in which case i wanna go MAFT-Pro or something to eliminate the boost cut and i also gonna do bigger injectors and LAFM... i was also thinking to do a slightly bigger turbo, like a ct26 57 trim or something where i can use a EWG .. any advice?