Starting up club (NC Supra's)

Lienhop Photo

New Member
Aug 3, 2009
Wilmington NC
we should get a decal for the rear window above the corner panel. That would be sick like a 8 in decal would be cool. Im not feeling the ldea of the winshelds.


Aug 8, 2007
Fort Bragg, NC
Are you serious?! Just got all the invites sent out to the club thread social group page. Ugh. So much. so many people.

I will re-iterate, that there are quite a few people who don't know about Supramania. So, it's good to pass the word out. I am sure there are many more people out there.

Heading to Jacksonville today around 12:00 to GET my car. No more waiting. I don't have time. Either it's done or... well... don't want to think of the "or" part. I need the car now. Anyhow, if you get a chance, check the social group thread, my number is in there. Hit me up. Say "Hi." It's all good.

After the Jacksonville area, I do plan on going to Raliegh... so, give me a call people. Number on the social group thread.