Starting Problem 87 Turbo Targa

Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
Someone asked if you had any codes set and I never saw an answer. A bad CPS will set a code 12 after 2 seconds of cranking for example. A code 14 is probable if you have major ignition issues, and so on!


thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa
does your engine turn over and crank??/

you have a good ignition switch.

so now you have your tach bouncing.


in the engine bay next to the batteir their is a small plastic black box that says diag on it, jump e1 and t with a paper clip, and watch the number of flashes, each code will have a 2 second pause between the codes.

so like this, *,***,,,,,**,*** that would be so to say code 13, and 23

with out these's code's we are shooting in the dark tring to help you

so you replaced your cps????

if so you more then likely have it in wrong, or 180 out at this point, and your tach move's so the ecu is seeing rotation, meaning it will send out the correct signal to arch the plugs.

but now you need to get the timming correct and the placemnet of the cps correct.

have you searched for the tsrm???

it's the toyota service repair manual.

comes in quite handy.


New Member
Sep 24, 2007
have the manual but i did find another problem, i have alittle bit of oil under my plugs
which could mean engine rebuild


Supramania Contributor
Apr 6, 2005
NeatOman said:
You should of tested you're CPS to start with. If you don't know how to test it, you could take it out and have a shop test it. And of course you could always search to find out how to test it. IMO its not hard... and there are devices that good shops have to test it the right way, so really it would be best to test it there.

sonic said:
well sorry dont have time as i am a full time student and hold two jobs as a part time carpenter and hardwood installer , o and i forgot plus a wedding in maui which i am a best man in so i would have gotten it tested but i could save the time and might aswell replace the part prematurely before it breaks
when the part is only 50 or so dollars , so positively please keep the comments to your selves if not here to help

He was here to help. You took care of that though. He gave you some of the best advise yet. Which in so many words was. If you don't know what your doing, LEARN. If your to lazy to learn. Then take it to someone thats not, and knows what they are doing. Your doing more harm than good.

Plus, your reasons for being rude to this man are somewhat insulting to every member. You either think we are all dumb or its the alternative. First, "time" is the reason. Which you are wasting. Then you speak of replacing twenty year old parts with twenty year old parts for reasons of preventative mateinance. I am suprized your getting any posts.

Almost forgot. To not break the rules. This may or may not help.
This one will.
this one should.
and this,
and this,
Theres just to many.....


New Member
Sep 24, 2007
sorry if i insluted any one just frustrating , and I dont have anything against anyone and i am on a supra fourm of course everyone knows something on here, i just dont like aroganace is all sorry for my rudeness.
and thank you all to the posts its been helpfull


The Juggernaut has my old
oil up under plugs just means its leaking from valvecovers.......IT DOES NOT mean that you need an engine rebuild.... Boy your one to jump to conclusions and start prematurely on something before you know whats wrong....

are you 100% sure you have the cps in correct if you have it out it will not start either...

and as many others have stated before... have you checked the codes this can tell you and us alot....


New Member
Sep 24, 2007
i will be checkin codes , this weekend , and i know ive always been told i jump to conclusions ahahah , but i will be changing the gasket under the valve covers if need be thank you, and i have the cps and i will try re timing it again according to the tsrm thanks again supra cr you have been a great help