Starting Issue im stumped need help


Active Member
Dec 4, 2006
So ive been having starting issues ever since i changed starters when my original 88 starter stop working (just needed new contacts). I installed a 92 starter which after a month gave me issues after a month. I tried replacing the contacts didnt help, took it back to Advance Auto (i already know the experiences with auto part store remanu starters) and exchanged it. This was in November. Up until then i havent had any issues with it until last week. I had driven to work it was a 25min drive so the engine got quite hot as youd expect. I decided to move the car closer to the building however the car wouldnt crank. No click no nothing just silence when i turned the key. The Aux and Condensor fans were running. I said screw it ill inspect it later. I came out from work got in my car the car started perfectly like nothing was wrong. Was fine up until today where i was leaving the grocery store and once again would not crank. I waited about half an hour (i have patience) sure enough it started. I got home i tried to replicate what happened and it started fine. So far the only thing i found that may have been the issue were my cables were a tad bit loose tightened those. Is there anything else i should address that could also cause this issue?



Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
I think there is a starter relay mod for this problem. I forgot what its called tho. You bypass something or add a relay or something. Sorry thats not more help.