I was just logging onto post about this - the same issue just started for me yesterday. I got into boost a little bit, through it into neutral, coasted to a stop sign and then noticed my dash was lit up and the car was no longer running. 10 minutes later after regular driving (RPM's under 3500), she stalls out at another stop sign. Weird thing is there is no warning signs - suddenly car is dead.
Idle is fine, mods include full 3" exhaust, HKS sport turbo, HKS air filter, and a turbo timer. I know I'm running lean - hence fuel cutoff at full throttle - so that should knock out the running rich theory. My first thought was the ignition switch going bad? Maybe installation of the turbo timer put a little too much stress on a 16 year old switch?
Idle is fine, mods include full 3" exhaust, HKS sport turbo, HKS air filter, and a turbo timer. I know I'm running lean - hence fuel cutoff at full throttle - so that should knock out the running rich theory. My first thought was the ignition switch going bad? Maybe installation of the turbo timer put a little too much stress on a 16 year old switch?