What kind of problems if any might I encounter running an ACTstage III clutch in regards to premature thrust bearing wear? The pedal is noticably firmer than the stock unit. I have already disconnected the clutch switch so the engine is always started without the clutch pedal being pressed, when coming to a stop I usually just push it in to neutral and I never wait at a stop light with my foot on the clutch.
This year I will be going to the local track and the thought of high RPMS with my foot on the clutch makes me a little nervous or am I just being overly paranoid?
The next to the last thing I want to do this summer is replace a crankshaft due to worn thrust bearings.
This year I will be going to the local track and the thought of high RPMS with my foot on the clutch makes me a little nervous or am I just being overly paranoid?
The next to the last thing I want to do this summer is replace a crankshaft due to worn thrust bearings.