Damn - yours looks like a much more even drop, mine looks lower in the rear than it is in the front. Is it just the angle, or did yours drop nice and even?
wow, thank you for the complement grimjack! my car's suspension of ST and tokico illumina settled in a lot to become even all around. Supra70 aka Mike T. took that pic, his photoskills are teh best!
Heres me 87 with 17 inch rims on stock TEMS. I am lowering soon, but yet to have chosen. I dont feel like dishing out the money for Teins, i need an engine.
in what way? the drop ratings? it may just be the initial drop they give, before they settle. i know when i ran koni yellows and ST springs they settled a bit lower than 1.3 inches that much i know.
that may account for the odd ratings for the drops they give
how "off" they seem to you i dont know its just my guess
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