turbo2 said:
i need some sponsers. does any one want to sponser me? i live in hawaii and there is a big import scene here. 3/4 of all cars are japenese. i could be your representive in hawaii. i mean you guys could bank off of shipping costs alone. tell me what u think. thanks
Hrm... Let me see.
Sponsorship = advertising dollars. I give you money, you represent my company.
What do you have to offer?
You tell me nothing about your ride, what makes it special, what products I have that you might run to represent my company.
Hrm, Let's see.
Your car has a dying motor according to
this post. Rod knock is always good for business.
Your signature contains "I have good news .... i just saved a bunch of money on my car insurence by out running the cops"
Nice, way to represent...
You're 19.
You are marginally illiterate.
You encourage me to defraud my customers on shipping charges.
If I were looking for people to sponsor, I wouldn't touch you with a 10 foot pole...
You asked...