Spits during creep


New Member
Apr 28, 2007
Cape Carteret, NC
Alright after alittle while of driving the car, I decided to creep it into boost to see how she did. in 2nd Gear she'll start spittin at around 3,500rpms at est. 3psi. (not sure how accurate the oem bguage is) There was a code, which was a Code 11.

Code 11
Momentary interruption in power supply to ECU

Now we just put this thing back together and that the cel came on before I tried to creep it into boost. But that was the only code that popped out of it. I'm resetting it to see if it will set another code.

Fuel pump going bad? Injectors sticking on me? Timing issue maybe? AFM? I don't know if anyone else has run into this and might have a better idea.


New Member
Apr 28, 2007
Cape Carteret, NC
Alright, After Resetting the ECU. I went out to take a quick little ride, and the moment I accelerated, I got a CEL. Checked it..

Code 11

Any troubleshooting idea's?
Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
Also look for any place that the wiring harness can rub the car body. After a while you can wear through the insulation and get a short when the engine twists over under power. In your case, though, that's probably not the problem as a short to ground will usually blow the EFI fuse.


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
maniakmx3 said:
Do you think that would be the cause of spittin n sputterin when in boost?

It's impossible for the engine to run with a loss of power to the ECU so it's either that or you have additional problems that can't be read because other codes will not display until 11 is corrected. The cause can be found using a multimeter. If you don't know the techniques for doing it simply jumper around portions of the circuit until the problem is resolved, then go back and focus on the jumped portion. Start with the ground side. If it checks out start jumpering the power side.


New Member
Apr 28, 2007
Cape Carteret, NC
Well, The car runs and drives great. Just not under boost...So I'm guessing it's not a serious power loss to the ecu...

So considering it's throwing a code 11, and that the car runs n drives. I have to guess that it IS a loose wire, not one that is disconnected. I'm gonna continue to look for it. I'll let you all know if I find anything.


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
Sounds like an intermittent connection in the engine compartment that opens with the vibration/torque caused by making high power. Since the ecu can detect even the slightest loss you need to be critical when checking. Check the manifold grounds as mentioned and inspect the wiring loom. Pay particular attention to the area in and around the the fuse box/main relay. Cycle all connectors in that circuit. Could be the ignition switch too. Jumper around stuff if you don't find anything obvious. For sure it it won't get better so hunt it down now before it strands you.


New Member
Apr 28, 2007
Cape Carteret, NC
Well I'll go ahead and add this as well, because maybe these issues have somthing in common.

1. As soon as I click over the headlight stick, the dashlights flicker but don't come on.
2. From time to time, If I release the gas pedel after acceleration, the engine stalls. ( I can prevent the stall by a quick tap of the gas pedal)

I wouldn't doubt there being a loose ground somewhere, But I thought I'd go ahead and throw in those two other issues just incase they have somthing in common.