huntin5L;1490583 said:I actually see the timing mark in two places, so it is impossible right now to set the timing correctly. Now, before I changed the plug wires I connected the timing light to the number 1 plug wire and it was flashing intermittently, meaning there is some type of electrical problem going on. I then thought, lets see how the timing light reacts on the number 6 plug wire and it seemed fine. Yesterday, I finally got my plug wires in and I just replaced the the number 1 cyl with no change, then I swapped them all out and still no change. During this time with the new wires in I had intermittent issues on number 1 cyl with the timing light, but now also on two other cylinders 5 and 6. However, I posted that I am going to test this again tonight, because maybe 5 and 6 were possibly jumping current to each other during the test if they were touching.
Scot- shake it off :icon_bigg
The wires are good, the wiring order is good (163425-left to right on coil packs) I changed the coilpacks with another set I have and tested them, they are good. The spark plugs are good, swapped them out for new, made no difference with either set I had in. All cylinders are getting spark, this issue is before the spark plug ruling out anything to do with the plugs. I had some broken clips on the plug wire/coil caps, I replaced them, they all snap in, so that is good. I checked the following per tsrm using a multimeter and all seemed good:
Plug wires
ISC valve
Coil Packs
The last thing I need to check is the ignitor. I read JJ's thread about rewiring the ground for this, so I will inspect this for any type of corrosion on the ground screw. This is the original so I wouldn't doubt that there is some crap built up in it.
Let's re-cap
huntin5L;1467212 said:So I am not sure yet what the deal is, I fixed a huge boost leak and the car began to run a lot better with NGK coppers installed, but it still had a slight miss.
You fixed a huge boost leak and the car began to run better after you changed spark plugs? But at this point you only have a slight miss at idle, right?
huntin5L;1467212 said:I decided to put in some NGK BCPR7EIX iridiums (didn't gap them) in hopes that would stop the miss and the idle bounces just a hair just above 500 rpm and the headlights, car lamps all flicker and it ran like crap..
Changing to a new set of plugs iinjected additional problems to the mix? It went from a slight miss to running like crap?
huntin5L;1467212 said:Thought maybe it was the isvc, but that seems to click when the engine turns off. I decided to unplug it to see if it made a difference and now my car is hard to start and if it does start it won't stay started unless I am on the gas. At a loss.
You unplugged the isvc and injected yet another problem? Went from a slight miss, to running like crap, to won't stay running?
Based on your orignal post, maybe you can see why I asked you to double check some things. And oh yeah, I hope it is the ignighter.... becasue if is not, there is nothing else to check, right? Because it is the "last" thing to check. But hey, consider it "shaken off"!::salute::