Sounds supercharged!? Help!!!

91' 7m ge 5 speed. 138K miles.

I was pullin into a side street today for my neighborhood and the is kind of a bump going in well there was a guy flying up on me and I had to take the turn a little quick. So at about 30mph I down shift into second and pull in at the same time. The guy flys by me honking the horn after slamming on his brakes. Going into the neighborhood I kind of hit this slight bump and I hear a noise that wasn't me going over the bump. I don't know what it is. My car now sounds like it has a supercharger and whines really loud and will whine even if I rev the car. Idles great and doesnt seem to get hot. My car has a felpro headgasket, timing belt and some new injectors in it and thats it. I bought it this way. Stock orignal clutch to give you an idea of what I mean by stock.

Anybody have any idea what this could possibly be.
Im gonna be doing some research and have my neighbor look at it but I still would love any advice possible. Thanks guys!


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
A couple of things to remember about our power steering:

As ms07s points out, our cars use Dextron II Auto Tranny fluid in the PS system. Do not use power steering fluid, it's the wrong type for our cars.

Also, there is a screen at the bottom of the reservoir. Sometimes this gets clogged up - the symptom will be the whining noise, but the fluid will not be low, or will be only slightly low. To fix it, remove the reservoir and clean the screen and refill the system.


Shady tree mechanic
Nov 26, 2007
Crestview, Fl
Yes it will work the same. Mopars and Subarus also use ATF for the power steering and Dexron III works fine in them.
Okay this weekend I removed the resevoir (spelling?) and cleaned the screen. I followed up by refilling it with Dexron ATF. I drive the car around and of course it will be hard to steer at first because it has to bleed out all the air but then it got smooth. Okay my car turns now (some times mostly when its cold it is hard to turn) but is extremely noisy. Whines at even at idle.:aigo:

I need help anymore sugestions? Maybe Power steering pump going out??


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
are you SURE it's the pump? a definitive check would be to remove the power steering pump drive belt and start the car.

If you're sure the sound is coming from your pump then nevermind that...its just a possible idea.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
MaJiKaL TaNk;1000109 said:
Yeah and I know for a fact it is my power steering. I checked to see if any lines were kinked or however you spell it. My car is doing okay now just extremely loud. I sound like a whale leaving the parking lot.


I'm sorry, that must be quite embarrassing. unless it really sounds like a supercharger then you could just lie about it.