Look I didn't say you have to believe me, but some people just don't realize what they own. You could be right and it be a false deal, which would not be a surprise to me. The deal has only fabricated today I have not seen the vehicle much less I don't even know what tranny they have or if they are tt or N/A. If it is a legit deal I will post pics. If not I will tell you it was a scam. I don't know how you think I am digging myself in a hole, because I have been trying to be nothing but honest. And why would I try to impress people I don't know. I'm not a liar, if it's a deal it's a deal, if it's not then it's not and you guys will be the first to know. It's local so I'm obviously not going to leave a deposit and have the cars shipped situation. Yes I have seen wrecked MKIV's go for over 10K too, but we have also seen engineless MKIII chassis' go for over a grand and we have also seen completed but non-running cars go for free. So why this bugs you so much I don't know, but what I do know is that if this is a real deal then I will be one of the happiest people in the world.