I definetly had a rollercoaster long night last night. Ill start at the beginning. My best friend since forever married my sister years ago in a shotgun army wedding for deployment. They've had rough times since. Fast forward 3 years. They seperate for a year. About 5 monthes ago they move back in together to give it another go. Fast forward to last night. My friend calls me and goes dude your sister just had a kid and its not mine. I couldn't believe my ears. I'm half in the bag at my friends house so my girlfriend drives me to the hospital. I meet my brother in law there. Looking horrible. We talk. I go in. And holy shit my sister who showed no signs of being pregnant is holding an awesome 6lb baby. And I hate kids. So I ask her some questions like how the f*** and whose is it. It turns out to be a a guy that commited suicde about 4 monthes ago. I don't know what happens from here. The kid is going to be named tyler james. James diied in a motorcycle accident and tyler was riding with him and commited suicide a year later because he always blamed himself for the accident. Any advice? What happens next? I probably need to edit this but I just got home. I needed to vent I guess. And I know some people on here are parents. I want to help but idk.