Cotton Eye Joe is annoying, but it brings back good memories of pissing off the greasy haired soap dodging hippies in my first year of university...them outside in a canvas tent on a lawn...making a noise with their hippy guitars...we all got so annoyed with them i directed my speakers out the window and cranked out 'Cotton Eye Joe' at 110dB on repeat for over an HOUR.
They killed my laser printer in vengeance though, when a styrofoam coffee mug came sailing through the window and made everything look like it had printed on ye olde parchemente for about 50 pages before finally succumbing to coffee-death.
They killed my laser printer in vengeance though, when a styrofoam coffee mug came sailing through the window and made everything look like it had printed on ye olde parchemente for about 50 pages before finally succumbing to coffee-death.