here's the run down
ok i got a hydro fan setup still attached to the radiator we put it in fired it up and it had a crack
i replaced it with a 7M radiator and flowed water thru it before putting it in to clean it out and yadda yadda yadda....
i started the car up and it was almost touching the H. so i bought a new tstat for a 2J put it in there and still temp climbed to the H no flow....
i bought and extension mirror took the water neck off to where i could see the impeller with the mirror, turned the pulley, and its turning with the pulley, no busted, bent, missing, fins on the impeller.
so i put the 1J tstat back in back wards and now it doesn't over heat but the lower Rad. hose leading from the Rad. to the pump stays ice cold while the rest gets BURNING hot but still no flow and temp stays at operating temp. tried burping it and it just keeps spewing fluid and never fully bleeds out, and still no flow.
so thats where i got to last night before i stopped. so today im gonna try to gut the old tstat and see if it'll flow if not then im lost again....
also when i got the hydrofan set up it was in a box from ITR on the boards with a shit load of peanuts in it. i got all the peanuts i could see out of the radiator but is it possible one was still in there flowed thru the engine and got lodged???