Someone Clear this up??


Aug 13, 2005
South County
What I cant understand is why people even say that MKIII's are not Supra's? On the back of are car it SAY'S SUPRA!!!WTF...Besides that are car is not very popular and people dont know shit about them (except the fine loving group of people on here and othe supra sites), why do they even claim that MKIII's arent Supra's. Where did this start? Are they just trying to be stupid, or some all knowing dip shit?? If someone could just plain out tell me why people say this it would be awsome. Also if this rumor is true. And if its just because of the whole Celica-Supra thing, then that's fucked up. Cause didnt the Supra and Celica seperate when they made the MKIII's. Thank you all for your answers.



Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
mkiii-1jz said:
I hate to break it to you, but rumor is that there will be a F&F3. Import Tuner wrote (September 2005)

"Some of our illustrious Hollywood moles rumored that The Fast and Furious 3 is finally moving ahead. Location scouting has already begun in Japan. The movie will indeed involve underground street racing/drifting on the Japanese streets. Paul Walker and Vin Diesel are not expected to return as primary leads."


There will be a F&F3, and Nick Hogan is in it... *dunno if its cameo or actual role*

Joe, the secret is........... Wait, you dont KNOW the secret? Arent you in the club? lol... Actually, the secret is you can buy an MKIII for less than 2 grand, dump another few grand into it and have a car that can really put an ass beating on people... Watch what these guys are doign on a budget, and tell me if a Honda can put down as much for this kind of cash, or a Camaro, or a mustang, or a....... well, you get my point... The secret that a 7M motor can handle 500hp on stock internals...



So it goes.
Apr 15, 2005
Morgantown, WV
CtSupra said:
it's just people comparing the Mkiii to the Mkiv. that's all.

Yeah, I think it's because the performance jumped so greatly between the MKIII and MKIV, that people say that the MKIII isn't a real Supra because it isn't as fast (stock) as the MKIV. But using this same theory makes 80's Camaro's and Mustangs not real Camaro's and Mustang's. But the domestic's don't have the ricer following and those guy's respect the older machine's. Also I would attribute it to the fact that most (not all) MKIV owners are elitists and disrespect the MKIII.

Oh well, that end's my half drunken rant, that took so long to type.


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
BREW! great rant, even for a half drunken, lol... *cheers, bacardi and cola.... they get the job done*

Yeah, the elitist theory: considering a used MKIV turbo averages over 20-25 grand, most owners are already Richy Rich's and MKIIIs are averaging 3 grand, so we're poory poors, lol... So they're already better than us, cuz they got mo' money! *I better put the glass down and gather myself, lol*

Did I make sense? HA! *stirs drink*


Aug 13, 2005
South County
Thanks guys. Ya know....thats fucked up :3d_frown: .
I am glad I own a MKIII and not an MKIV :icon_evil !!!
Every other site I go to having to do with cars or racing...there are people who just dont give a shit and are just plain ol' ass holes. But SM and other sites with MKIII owners is different. MKIII owners are nice, actually want to help out, and dont want to fuck over the next person who is new to the whole MKIII scene. I am happy I bought my Supra and I am also glad I belong to these forums. Thanks guys for all you help ............................. Im gonna go climb back in the closet and have a drink :icon_conf .

Ya all...Good Night!



Jul 22, 2005
You know, I did know that...all of it, guess was no secret after all(for me). Only for someone who dosnt own an mkiii :biglaugh:


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
Most of these people that claim that the MKIII is not a real supra have never even seen the car or know anything about it. They saw the MKIV in F&F, and any car that doesn’t look like it couldn't possibly be a supra. Some of these people I have talked to believe it or not, don't under stand the concept of different generations of the same model. It's just pure ignorance of the individual and it is entirely there choice to be that way. Attempting to change their point of view with anything but your tail lights is an entire and complete waste of time, and by association so is getting frustrated about it. Just ignore them and allow them is wallow in there own ignorance. As they say ignorance is bliss. And sit comfortable in the fact that you know the truth, and boost away laughing.


Coitus Non Circum
Jul 12, 2005
Down Like A Clown Charley Brown
STLSupra said:
What I cant understand is why people even say that MKIII's are not Supra's? If someone could just plain out tell me why people say this it would be awsome.

I don't own my Supra cause I'm poor (I'm not). I've owned all kinds of sports cars and this is the first car that I really ever said to myself "this ones a keeper". I love these cars and as I said, I've owned enough really nice cars to have a qualified opinion (pardon my lack of modesty).

1.The only people I ever heard say Mkiii are not a real Supra or a real sports car are unqualified to give an accurate opinion or just plain ignorant...period, no qualifier.

2. As for the bargain prices our wonderful cars can be aquired for all I can say is "lucky us!" I was in the performance and muscle car business for many years and I remember when Hemi cars, Shelby Mustangs, GTO's and the like weren't held in very high esteem by the general public and weren't worth a fraction of what they are today.

Point is most people wouldn't understand intrinsic worth or quality if it hit them on the head and just repeat what they hear or read like the mindless unimaginitive zombies that they are.

Frankly I'm glad to be different then them and If they don't understand or like what I like it's a compliment.

I hope that helps clear it up for you.

Slow Poopra 7MGTE

Idealsupra said:
because they werent in TF&TF simple fact...

theres an mk3 in the backround :icon_bigg

but anyway, fuckem, who cares im sure someday they will come across the "fake supra" and get smoked so fuckem


New Member
May 20, 2005
Bellingham, WA
^ what they said!

I dunno, in the time I have been in the supra world, I have <no joke> gotten to the point where when I think MK4 owner, I think of an asshole floridian or texan with more money than manners.
obviously there are exceptions, but by and by large it seems like MK4 guys are more elitist than almost anyone else I can think of.

Just dont sweat it, like someone above me said, for a lot less than you can buy a MK4 for, you can have a screamin MK3.
They're just playa haters


May 20, 2005
Hear alot of the same shit from a arround here if you mention at all you have a supra then every one think OH SHIT HE HAS A SUPRA then they all think its a MKIV ask questions is it Twin turbo such its preety funny some times.

now I just let them think what they want. But Ive also had some ask me why do I have a toyota badge on my ford probe :nono:


New Member
May 20, 2005
Bellingham, WA
if they ask about your twin turbos, just tell em that you went single
also, what the hell are you running for springs up front?
looks like the fender is resting on the tire!


May 20, 2005
Its not currently sitting on any springs up front somebody convinced me too let them cut the springs on my supra which was a mistake so thats another 200 dollars for lowering springs into my project

oh and my supras currently n/a :3d_frown:

it wont be once its back on the road again :evil2:

still currrently lookin for 7mgte


Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
Chad said:
Most of those fuckers think there american cars are big and bad. It pisses them off when a import kicks an american cars ass and still gets 20+ mpg and has less money under the hood.

hrm well... i dont even get 20 mpg... lol