Some total bastard just keyed my car!


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
I was parked in ASDA (Supermarket) for all of 5 minutes, came back to the car to find a bloody great score line down the drivers door that wasnt there when i parked it - this was an act of deliberate vandalism - WHY!?! FOR GOD SAKE, WHATS THE POINT!?! :3d_frown: :bigun2: :rant2:


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Insurance? No i'm third party, fire & theft only, even if i went fully comprehensive, it wouldnt cover it, as for all they know, *I* could have keyed it (despite it being unthinkably cruel to my car).

Unfortunately, ASDA's car park isnt great for parking in, last time i parked there, some little gobshite tried to steal it with the aid of a screwdriver, and after catching him trying to nick it, he kicked the fender, causing the bottom of it to disintegrate into a large hole.


I wish we could declare open season on chavs.


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
thats bad

but check this out.. at a small car dealership in amarillo,dude tried to steal a car.what the wood be thief didn't know is that the owner of the lot was still there, doing some paperwork. anyway, owner came out, pulled his gun and shot the potential the nuts....been all over the local news last couple of days


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
Had the same done to my car.

Woke up one morning and found a huge key mark all along my rear spoiler.
I was pissed...I know it was done at night because the evening before my car was perfect.
So for those few weeks i used to wake up late at night just to check on my supra or catch the loser.
If i caught him, i would have scratched his face with a big garden fork....:evil5:



are we sure he was a total bastard...not a half way, or 3/4's bastard?

either way...we understand your anger