so i broke another subframe and this time instead of just throwing one in there i decided im going to reinforce it and solid mount it. so im in the process of reinforcing it and my bushings showed up yestereday so i decided to see how they fit and actually work cause i was slightly confused at first with how these make it mount solid. and after actually setting them on the subframe and looking at things i don't think they really make the subframe solid mount. yes they make the subframe sit on a sollid surface but they don't seem to mount it solidly. the stock bushing and sleeve is still going to be whats holding it in place. i took some pics to see what im talking about.
so what you seee here is the rear solid bushing sitting flush on the frame and the washer/cup sitting on flush on the bushing sleeve. so say i install it as it sits when i torque it down its going to rip the sleeve up to where it seats agains the body and the cup prolly end up just touching the stock pad. so how does this solid mount it? to me it seems the bushing is still whats going to hold it in place which will allow the subframe to be able to bounce down cause the pad for the cup is soft rubber. and even then the metal the cup is made out of is thin and not to strong. im not trying to rip on beech performance cause there are others selling the same thing. i just went with his cause all his products seem to be well thoughtout and built. if somebody could pleases enlighten me on how these are affective that would be great!

so what you seee here is the rear solid bushing sitting flush on the frame and the washer/cup sitting on flush on the bushing sleeve. so say i install it as it sits when i torque it down its going to rip the sleeve up to where it seats agains the body and the cup prolly end up just touching the stock pad. so how does this solid mount it? to me it seems the bushing is still whats going to hold it in place which will allow the subframe to be able to bounce down cause the pad for the cup is soft rubber. and even then the metal the cup is made out of is thin and not to strong. im not trying to rip on beech performance cause there are others selling the same thing. i just went with his cause all his products seem to be well thoughtout and built. if somebody could pleases enlighten me on how these are affective that would be great!