well, there is a spark plug design that would increase power output, it used an electical wind to force the flame front in the direction wanted (generally straight down)
these? well... I could see how it could work in that you want the largest gap you can run, but once you have seriously high compression (usually through forced induction) you get spark blowout...
I can see it working, but that much money... hey, it's not THAT bad comapred to some of the super special iridium plugs out there thse days...
EDIT: AHAHAHAHAHHAHAA oh this one is GOOD, you gotta hear this...
"DirectHits does a great job at igniting hydrocarbons at lean air:fuel ratios conventional spark plugs could not begin to ignite."
YAY, so I can melt my pistons FASTER!!!
They do seem to have quite a few good reviews and even some proof from major magazines...