So, who else is leaving facebook?


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
I know i will be by the end of the week, if the old layout is no longer an option. I'm sick of being treated like some moron, patronised with 'you'll get used to it' when i complain about the new layout. 2 million people can't be wrong.

Theres something called CONSUMER CHOICE and facebook are ignoring their consumers and forcing them to use the new layout. It's unintuitive, bloated and its like they've gone out of their way to make it more bandwidth heavy compared to the old layout, of which there was nothing wrong with it.

So, in 4 days, 3 hours and 55 minutes, i'll be deleting my account there as an act of defiance, and i'm fairly sure there will be a few others who will do the same.

We're not cattle, we shouldn't be pushed around as such. Leaving in droves will hopefully prove to them that maybe ignoring their users isn't such a great idea.
Apr 1, 2005
ive always hated facebook. always hated myspace. unfortunately, literaly every one of my friends was a facebook whore since back when it was only available to students. i felt i had no choice but to join. i never really use it tho. in fact, i think my girlfriend has been logged in under my account more than i have.


Apr 6, 2005
Kai;1131530 said:
Theres something called CONSUMER CHOICE and facebook are ignoring their consumers and forcing them to use the new layout.

There's no forcing whatsoever, your choice is whether or not you use facebook, nothing more, nothing less. You can complain all you want, but the only thing that's really in your power is what you choose to do with your time.

The folks at facebook aren't stupid, if it hurts their business then they'll fix it. 2 million people represent less than one percent of the users on facebook, that's not exactly a majority.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
screaminglemon;1131584 said:
ive always hated facebook. always hated myspace. unfortunately, literaly every one of my friends was a facebook whore since back when it was only available to students. i felt i had no choice but to join. i never really use it tho. in fact, i think my girlfriend has been logged in under my account more than i have.

And yea new layout is crap...


Gone. Email me.
May 27, 2006
not here

You know, you can keep the old layout. You have to add the developer application, and then follow a link... let me grab em in a minute

And besides, think FB will miss you? You not on their servers means less server usage = happy administrators.

Edit: add this application:
Then follow this link:

Or you can continue to think you're sticking it to the man, meanwhile I'll enjoy faster servers.


Noob..but not incompetent
Feb 23, 2007
I did that. And it doesnt work anymore. It says right on my homepage that the new facebook is now the only facebook..

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
I've been using my Blackberry for Facebook the last week.

It still has the old Facebook........

Stupid fuckers.............. ;)


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
I don't get it can someone please explain what is so bad about the new layout?

it is a bit odd I will admit but I'm not so upset as to say 'fuck it' and leave. It's your choice I'm just wondering what specifically is so bad. I just use it to communicate and now that the wall is the main thing i see...yay!

I was REALLY hating the SUPER long pages...some people have 50 applications!!! do you know how long that takes to load? now they are hidden unless you WANT to look at them. I honestly don't give a fuck what some website thinks you're good at or what sex position you're theoretically the best in... seriously...WTF?

I dont see what's all that bad now though. Maybe I don't use it as much? I am curious though.

and what takes so long on facebook? I like that I can see just photo updates or JUST status updates to check up on my friends (i.e. one guy keeps posting how he feels like shit so i can ask him what's wrong).

All that I REALLY hate is the chat which doesn't work correctly and fucks things up. otherwise, it doesnt seem to take that much more time to load.

Also...i hate having myspace and facebook. I seriously want to combine them into one supersite so there's no hopping in between. its like checking two forums and talking to relatively the same people, but you have to do it since 10 percent of your friends haven't moved on to better things...its stupid.


WVU MAEngineering
Jun 12, 2007
Perkasie, PA
personally i think it should go back to college only. My freshmen year, back in '04 you didn't have all these crazy add-ons and stalker issues. Its headed the same direction as Myspace now....there was a reason facebook got bigger then myspace and they are just undoing it all IMO

As for the new layout, its not terrible but the old one was still way better unless someone had like a million applications to load