So my auto tranny finally took a crap


Jul 15, 2009
San Jose
I went to a party last night after work and got there fine. Its been making grinding noises for some time now but this morning when I left the place it finally decided to have a hard time engaging into Drive and doesnt go into 3rd maybe even 2nd gear anymore. I took 4 people home before I started heading home myself which was about 15 miles away, all while driving no faster than 25mph at 3000rpm. Every stop light I was at made it even harder and harder to take off.
I start work in a couple of hours and I didnt sleep at all thinking what my options are. Unless I can find replacement tranny locally Im probably going to do the 5 speed swap and get the parts off my turbo. Im thinking off calling in so I can get some sleep and get started when I wake up.
Do I absolutely need a tranny jack or is it light enough to lift up and slide in?
Is there a write up WITH pictures on the swap? Also how hard is it unbolting it from the engine?
Pulling the engine with it isnt really an option because I dont have a cherry picker.
Thanks for any input.


Active Member
Dec 4, 2006
Doing it on jackstands is a task. I did mine on a lift. The transmission is heavy to be lifting while laying on your back. My auto trans died a week and half ago (Each time i stopped the more it would slip to the point id just be reving sky high and doing 10mph, sounds like you had the same problem i had and i bet you felt the heat from the trans too) and we swapped in another working auto. Shimmed the accumulators, and installed a big fat tranny cooler. Working well so far.