Here's some English help...
crick = click (unless you were doing that on purpose, which would be odd)
nicery = nicely
appeerence = appearance
Beginn = Begin? (still odd)
Garelly = Gallery
Choise = Choice
Supraa = Supra (probably just a typo here, I hope)
pleasentrys (ugh)
"Fame's Hall" and "Shame's Hall" is just poor English
"Please mail me electronic!" = Please e-mail me
obedience = mail (maybe you need a dictionary?)
"Does not so well with British client..." (I have no clue what you're trying to say with this sentence, if you can call it that)
"That you yourself are enjoyed you do not have to forget,!" (Get rid of the comma at the end. Heck, just cut the whole sentence, I have no idea what you're trying to say)
Another hint would be to not use an exclamation mark at the end of every sentence. Periods work better most the time.
I could go on, but that should keep you busy for a while at least.