switch back to conventional oil.. or buy new turbos/get them rebuiltbobiseverywhere said:I have put in an Extra liter of oil now thoughto keep it topped up.
Is there anything i can do other then continuing to top it up, The Royasl Purplr i put in it is not that cheap
bobiseverywhere said:any suggestions on a good conventional oil.
With everything i have looked at i only know the Synthetics![]()
bobiseverywhere said:Someone i know suggested the Lucas oil Stabilizer that it might help to stop the oil from leaking in the turbo. Any ideas???
jdub said:Switching to a conventional oil will do nothing to correct your problem...IMO, a true syn oil is best to run in a turbo motor. If it's a cost issue concerning the RP, go to Wal-Mart and get Pennzoil Platinum...it's a Group III hydrocracked oil that approaches the quality of a PAO (like RP) or ester (like Red Line) based syn oil and has a very good add pack. I would use the 5W-30 or 10W-30...the 10W-30 is just slightly thicker and should meet your needs well.
Don't forget to use a good filter![]()