Small Ticket Rant (more like minor venting)


Irish Cream
Mar 5, 2007
Centreville, VA
I swear... Having a fast car in my area is kinda like a eunuch having a big dick... You can talk about it all you want, and you can even show it off a little bit... but when it all comes down to it YOU JUST CAN'T USE IT...

Wherever there's not STOP AND GO traffic, there are cops chillin, WAITING to ticket you for your SLIGHTEST excess of the speed limit (or anything else they may find)...

Now, with that said... I was doing a "bit" more than "slightly over", but DAMN I'm jealous of those of you who live in areas where you have the "freedom" to open it up a bit on occasion without having to worry about a snausage in your tail pipe...

I was driving up to MD to visit my parents and help them out with a few things on their boat this Saturday and was going a tad over on a 35... The bitch in front of me was driving sporadically (one of my pet peeves) so I switched lanes and throttled it for a second in attempt to pass her... RIGHT when I was at her side, TWO COPS stepped out IN THE ROAD AHEAD OF ME and waved me off onto a side road... They busted me at 50 on a 35...

FORTUNATELY the cop I had to deal with was actually pretty cool, and sited me for "Failure to Obey a Traffic Sign" (being the posted speed limit), which is only a $30 fine (and I need to check into the points)... But my driving record isn't so hot right now so I really gotta start watching it... :icon_conf:3d_frown:

Anyhow, I know it's all my fault, and I'm not blaming cops for anything or trashing them... but I certainly envy all you boonies folk in those towns where you can count "the law" on one hand...

Thanks for "listening"...




Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah

you think boonie cops are any better? They are not around much but when they are around expect to be nailed for any and EVERYTHING.

1 over the speed limit. Ticket.
Blown out bulbs.. ticket.
Tires are balding, ticket for unsafe equipment.

Believe me. You don't want that!


Irish Cream
Mar 5, 2007
Centreville, VA
TurboFreak, yup, I DO know about the cops around here... I've lived here for 20+ years and have seen pretty much everything.

Figgie, haha that sucks man... The cops around here aren't QUITE that bad, but at least in the "boonies" there are some back roads you can take to avoid them... Around here the cops THRIVE on back roads, and leave the traffic to slow everyone else down! Plus, our coverage is INSANE (Fairfax County used to have the MOST Police spending in the US, PERIOD a few years back, if they don't still... Either way, they're WAAAAAAAAAAY up there...)

Joe, that goes even without saying... Other "sports cars" are just "compensation"!
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Apr 4, 2005
Santa Clarita
You should have known beforehand building the car that the speed limits wouldn't change for you just because you own a fast car. Find out your laws and do the best not to break them, or at least don't let anybody catch you.


That Aussie Chick
Aug 18, 2006
Aussie Land
Pfft!!! That's nothing!!!!

My bf got pulled over for "revving" his Soarer at the lights.... Which is bullshit, as the thing couldn't idle at the time (needed to reset the ECU), it was "revving" and 1,500rpm... Once they pull him over, they go over his entire car, and because it is totally engineered, all they could defect him for was a broken headlight and a loose battery...

THAT is fked up cops for you.

Getting pulled over for going over the speed limit is to be expected.

You have a right to have a bitch if you weren't in the wrong.

You were, so HTFU and take it on the chin.


Keep Laughing.You're Next
Jul 31, 2006
HEY!! I live in springfield, may be we should meet up sometimes. Cops are strict in Va, especially in fairfax county. Sometimes they just stand on the side walk and use binoculars to find out how fast u are going. Do those have any camera function to capture your plates and fine u instead of pulling u over?I just wonder.....


Jan 17, 2007
jacksonville, nc
HEY!! I live in springfield, may be we should meet up sometimes. Cops are strict in Va, especially in fairfax county. Sometimes they just stand on the side walk and use binoculars to find out how fast u are going. Do those have any camera function to capture your plates and fine u instead of pulling u over?I just wonder.....

they are judging your speed based on how fast you make it from one marker to another...then radio in to a road unit to write you that beloved DD FORM 1805


King of the roll
Apr 25, 2005
Come drive in the greater toronto area and you will think the police in your area are awesome.

You can, and will, get a ticket for ANY modification done to your vehicle.

Non-stock intake filter, ticket.
Lowering springs, ticket.
Non-stock gauges in the dash, ticket for distracting drivers.
Any exhaust work that is louder than stock, ticket.
You can have a cop try to charge you with a "street racing" ticket if you were on an empty road by yourself and just happen to be speeding in a modified car.

And according to the cops, any modification is also grounds for them impounding your car.


Irish Cream
Mar 5, 2007
Centreville, VA
Hahaha yeah, I'm well ahead in that case...

As for all of you who think I'm bitching cuz a cop did his job, as I stated in my initial post I'm not. I'm just saying I need to get into an area where there are more places to open it up and have a bit of fun (nothing stupid or dangerous). There are many rural areas where there is nobody around and the "world is yours"... I have seen several posts on this site about how people can do pretty much whatever they want in their area and be left alone... And a few posts about people "out running" the cops... I, personally, could never even THINK about performing the second concept, let alone actually try it... It's not in me (and there's NO WAY IN HELL it could be accomplished around here)...

Anyhow, I'm not saying that other people haven't been fined for crap they shouldn't have been fined for... Trust me, I've been there and done that MANY times (hell, I've had eight cop cars and a couple paddy wagons swarm , SURROUND, frisk and INTERROGATE me and search my car just for REPORTING stolen rims)... I was just trying to post a light-hearted rambling.



1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
ma71supraturbo said:
Go to an open track day. You'll have absolutely no desire to speed for the next 3 or 4 weeks...


get it all out at the track, and just enjoy cruising around town without speeding.


Irish Cream
Mar 5, 2007
Centreville, VA
I'd definitely love to go to a track some time. And Akito, that would be cool to meet up (I border West Springfield, so we're pretty close).
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