Thanks for your contribution. I got a feeler and adjusted until it was within spec. I need like 4 hands to get it perfect, got it much closer idle is now down around 1000, and sometimes 700 which might be too low because after a hard pull it stalled out. And it's doing the dropping throttle if I try to hold it as cruise sometimes, not nearly as bad as before though. Just will take more adjusting I suppose. Also I'm not sure what you're being so rude for? I asked how I was adjust it wrong, are those two screws on the tps the way to adjust it? Every guide has said so so far... And running like crap? I never went to school for cars, I put months and months of research and learning to figure out how to swap my car. And having it all done and only a high idle is a great accomplishment to me, not a piece of crap.