slight accident.. need advice


New Member
Dec 31, 2007
New Smyrna Beach Florida
you both broke law by leaving seen of accident.....tell him you thought about it and that you think its best you both take care of your own car.. tell him you found more damage or something.. if you go to cops you both will get a ticket...and prob both found guilty... and both insurances go up and so on and so on....


Jan 15, 2008
PDX (Oregon)
3 Words:

HIT AND RUN... all he has to do is write down your license plate number from the picture he took and call the cops to tell them you left the scene without giving him information.. That will make your life a whole hell of a lot worse than shelling out $500 to cover the damage..

BTW: I thought it was if the person is turning right, not on the right.. from the sounds of it, you're still at fault because he would have had to been farther into the intersection then you.. You always give adequate time for someone to enter and exit an intersection.. Just in case the dufus doesnt know how to drive a stick, or their foot slips off the peddle...

Edit: From looking at the damage though, it could play out that you were in the intersection first and he zoomed right in front of you as you were turning.. That looks like the back passenger door.. You should just tell the guy that you were both at fault and you both should handle the damage to your own car (since you've found more on yours)...From the bets of it, instead of fixing his car, he'll probably just replace his "racing slicks" I mean tires..


Cops Love Me
Aug 27, 2007
savannahashlee;1002390 said:
3 Words:

HIT AND RUN... all he has to do is write down your license plate number from the picture he took and call the cops to tell them you left the scene without giving him information.. That will make your life a whole hell of a lot worse than shelling out $500 to cover the damage..

BTW: I thought it was if the person is turning right, not on the right.. from the sounds of it, you're still at fault because he would have had to been farther into the intersection then you.. You always give adequate time for someone to enter and exit an intersection.. Just in case the dufus doesnt know how to drive a stick, or their foot slips off the peddle...

Edit: From looking at the damage though, it could play out that you were in the intersection first and he zoomed right in front of you as you were turning.. That looks like the back passenger door.. You should just tell the guy that you were both at fault and you both should handle the damage to your own car (since you've found more on yours)...From the bets of it, instead of fixing his car, he'll probably just replace his "racing slicks" I mean tires..

im definitely gonna try the approach of we should both fix our own cars, it seems the best option feasible. i appreciate the help, but why are you here! you have a mkiv you should be out driving that beauty! haha anyways hes supposed to call around 3ish ill talk to him and repost here with the outcome, thanks so much for all the help guys


2J = Here; Swap = Near
Apr 24, 2006
Dallas, TX
Dude stop being a douche and pay up for the mistake, the way I picture the accident, you obviously weren't paying attention as you shouldn't have been that far through the intersection to be able to hit him as he started to turn left, so this is YOUR FAULT. I'm sorry... I've had someone do a hit and run on me, so I am not going to condone you fucking someone else over. Pay for their shit.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
GotTurbos?;1002724 said:
Dude stop being a douche and pay up for the mistake, the way I picture the accident, you obviously weren't paying attention as you shouldn't have been that far through the intersection to be able to hit him as he started to turn left, so this is YOUR FAULT. I'm sorry... I've had someone do a hit and run on me, so I am not going to condone you fucking someone else over. Pay for their shit.

So a mutual agreement to leave the scene = hit and run to you?
Condone it or not, you have no say in the situation. WTF are YOU going to do about it, keyboard warrior?

If they were both in too big of a hurry to call the cops into it and have things done correctly, I think that they both defaulted their option for whatever compensation or litigation may have been warranted. It was pretty much a verbal agreement to not do a damn thing. They were both stupid about it.
I say you buy each other touch-up paint in each correct factory color and call it a day.


2J = Here; Swap = Near
Apr 24, 2006
Dallas, TX
Mutual agreement to leave the scene? Mutual agreement for him to take care of it, and that they would call him the next day... When did I say I was going to do anything about it? You don't always have to have the cops involved to do it correctly, I've done one dealing with just the person who hit me and it worked out fine. Sure he may not be bound legally, but he would be an idiot not to step and pay for the damages that are his fault.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
ok for all of you suggesting he back out of the responsibility for this let me pose a question.

Imagine I just popped into off topic and relayed a story that several weeks ago I was involved in an very minor accident and took the persons information in good faith, only to find out the person was now claiming they were nowhere near the scene of the accident and I was shit outta luck and then stopped answering my calls. So now Im screwed because the damage isnt worth doing an investigation and taking the guy to court, and now my supra has a damaged door that I have to pay for through no fault of my own? How many of you would call the other guy a douchebag and offer me sympathy?

To the original poster: Its a simple matter of honor. You werent paying attention and you caused his damage. YOU were the one who didint want a police report on the scene because you were scared, and he let you off. Are you really going to turn around and screw the guy over simply because you dont wanna pay for it? Lets ignore the moral question for one second. You do realize that you would be commiting a criminal offence by refusing to pay and hiding from the obligation?

I say, suck it up, try to make a cash deal with the guy and make sure you have him sign a statement attesting that he acccepted payment in full for the damages done, releasing you from further liability.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
theWeezL;1002930 said:
ok for all of you suggesting he back out of the responsibility for this let me pose a question.


I say, suck it up, try to make a cash deal with the guy and make sure you have him sign a statement attesting that he acccepted payment in full for the damages done, releasing you from further liability.

I say that according to the story, it was more the fault of one driver that the accident happened, but it was the fault of BOTH drivers that did not properly report the collision, and it was motivated by pure greed, fear or both.

Did they not have the time to do it properly? Was one not properly licensed, insured or registered? Was this going to get them that extra point on their license, or jack their premium up? Either way, for some reason, they didn't want to get the cops involved.


New Member
May 10, 2007
chances are hes gunna take the money and not fix his car since its not THAT bad of damage, id say try and work an agreement like 500 or something and man up, cause it douns like u wernt paying much attention to the road.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Not all accidents are required to have the police make a report. In some places police wont even come unless there is a traffic hazard or injuries. Its the responsibility of the parties involved to get the required information. Unfortunately as more people in the world use evey excuse to get out of their responsibilities and justify why its ok to lie, cheat and steal, it becomes more imortant to collect evidence.

Also, I based my opinion on the OP's statements that basically said "I fucked up, I know I fucked up, but do you guys think I can get away with fucking this guy over" re-read the first post if you think there in any doubt in your mind who was at fault. The OP'd doesnt appear to have any doubt.

If thats not the case, and there was equal fault involved this is a whole different conversation.


New Member
Dec 31, 2007
New Smyrna Beach Florida
As he said

i go to make a left and a guy who didnt have his blinker on coming from my right goes to make a left

That dude broke the law also and if he had his blinker on... he might not have hit him because he new he was turning left.. not going strait...thats why i said to tell him you think its best you both take care of your own cars....
If the guy had gone strait whould he have hit him ?

they are both at fault...


Sep 29, 2007
LOL. $500 is more than that neon is worth. If he doesn't call it is because: 1.He may be an Illegal, 2.He probably doesn't care about his car(look at the bald ass walmart tires), 3. It's a F%*ing 1st gen neon....its now custom. At any rate IF he calls agree to get him a used door at a salvage yard. They run ~100-200 and you can spray paint it to match that dull ass paint for another 50 tops. You could even install it for him.:biglaugh:


Cops Love Me
Aug 27, 2007
for those of you telling me to man up and take responsibility, i absolutely would. IF i felt this was entirely my fault! the guy literally all of a sudden goes to make a left turn, zooming. then, sees traffic in the other direction coming at him and slams on his brakes in the middle of the intersection. i slam my brakes and hit him at 2 mph. so if it was a matter of, i looked away for a second then hit him, or i was on my phone.. etc. it wasnt, i was paying full attention and my reaction time was instant.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
aidanair;1004859 said:
for those of you telling me to man up and take responsibility, i absolutely would. IF i felt this was entirely my fault! the guy literally all of a sudden goes to make a left turn, zooming. then, sees traffic in the other direction coming at him and slams on his brakes in the middle of the intersection. i slam my brakes and hit him at 2 mph. so if it was a matter of, i looked away for a second then hit him, or i was on my phone.. etc. it wasnt, i was paying full attention and my reaction time was instant.

So, your defense is; you didnt See the guy because you werent looking. Yet somehow you know he was 'zooming' and the cars coming from the opposite way scared him and made him stop?

More likely the case was, the guy was making a turn and you werent paying attention and hit him.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Well if the blame for the accident is in question then its hard to say. At the scene, NEVER admit responsibility for the accident, only acknowledge involvement. At this point you have little else you can do. You can call the guy and try to work out an arrangement that makes you both happy (he may just say forget the whole thing, you never know) OR you can turn the accident over to your insurance company and let them handle it. I suggest you try the former first.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
Someone hit my STI and I got a plate number and everything to the cops right away...

I haven't gotten/heard shit and it's been atleast 4 months.

Take that for what it's worth.

if you're insured tell him to take it to his insurance. If someone hit me, and I was super worried about getting it fixed, I would turn it into the insurance company. D00d is gonna pocket the money and go buy beer w/ it.

Only thing I would do, tell him to get an estimate, go to the body shop and watch him hand the keys over to them to get it fixed, pay the body shop the cash, not him.

You may get lucky and he could be uninsured, then YOU put a claim in and U win.


Active Member
Jan 16, 2007
Spokane, WA
Bottom line here. Yield to the right. Wait until the vehicle is out of the intersection before entering. That's the law. It doesn't matter if his blinker was on or not. He was on the right. It' probably not what you want to hear, but that's just the way it is.