SILV09 - Cancelled


Ich bin gegan alles
Apr 1, 2005
I'm a bit bummed. I was going for sure this year.

Looks like 2010 is in.....maybe the delay will make it an even larger event.



SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
I would be up for the "economy" version of SILV but I don't think it should be called SILV. Maybe a Vegas meet of somekind but more low key to suit the current economic times. Or maybe SILV can qualify for a bail out by the Obama Administration.


SF what a waste of supras
Jun 22, 2006
Agreed SILV higher a big shot exec lawyer and a congressional lobbying putz to hold the floor on the next huge hand out bill to pass as some hand out bail plan supra stimulus plan dont pass the plan until we get our hand out:bigthumb:


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Portland, OR
A nice plan but you have to have money to hire those big shot lawyers to go lobby to get the bailout money. If I had the money in the event budget for a lawyer I sure as hell wouldn't be paying for a lawyer... WE'D BE HAVING SILV09! :)

I would like to add that SILV has not lost money since 2000. I will not personally go in debt for this event. I am not the government. I cannot just print my own money to get out of a hole.

I know this was a big part of people's lives. This was a HUGE part of my life since April of 96 when I first came up with the idea.

When the news finally broke yesterday I felt like I got kicked in the stomach because it was finally real. Until then it was just talk and words on a screen that nobody had seen.

I don't want this any more than you guys don't want it.

If someone were interested in fronting the entire budget, no strings attached, and then go find sponsors on their own to pay themselves back please contact me directly at


Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
arz;1271076 said:
We should all consider doing it underground style like a "flash mob" on Craigslist.

Only we should schedule a few events like the Dyno and to join the Corvette or Viper club at the drag races.

I was going to look into contacting the local SCCA club and seeing if they were interested in officiating a "Supras only" autocross, some of them will design a course that lets you get to the top of 3rd gear, those are always fun.

As for Scenic drives and stuff like that we could appoint a motivated individual to coordinate it and see how that goes. Im sure it would degenerate into a street race, Er I mean I hope it wouldn't degenerate into a street race.:evil2:

As for the Poker tournament, you can always designate a place and a time for the whole Supra crew to take over a table.

As for the Banquet, or awards we could either forgo the awards or make them a cheap printed sheet. Either way if we designated a time and place Im sure we could take over any restaurants back room with as many people that would show up if they knew where to show up. Who would turn us away if we were buying drinks and a meal/appetizers.

Who says we cant still have an unofficial meet grassroots/underground style?

I'm down for that Andy! Grassroots Supra meet FTW! I just want to drive my Supra on the strip, hang out with fellow Supra owners, have some good food, and have some drinks at the tables.

I think it could be organized on the cheap if we do it like you are saying. As far as Driftmotion was concerned, we never wanted to be a sponsor for the advertising aspect alone, we just wanted to help make sure the event stayed alive, and to have a reason to chill in Vegas.


I need a turbo! >:(
Mar 3, 2006
Sacramento, CA
This is definitely a letdown. This was going to be my first year making it to Vegas. :(

If somebody wants to arrange a rogue event I'm more than willing to pay an entry fee if it gets us a parking lot, some drags and a few dyno pulls.


Ninja edit: Driftmotion FTW! ^^^
Last edited:


Nov 7, 2007
I had planned on driving the sup down from Michigan. I don't know if i can make it next year. If you guys set up some kinda underground thing, I might still make the trip.

If not i guess ill have to figure out some other big meet somewhere far away to drive to.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Portland, OR
One question has come up several times since the news broke last Friday. That question is:

"Why can't you just scale back the event and still have something?"

This is a valid question and one that caused much discussion when we were looking at our options for this year.

I could just make a few phone calls to get the hotel, dyno, and drags set up. I could have even put the Show-and-Shine in the parking lot at the drags. We could eliminate all of the cool extras like trophies, shirts, chips, info packets, etc. This would take $0 and about 20 minutes of my time.

But what would we have left? At that point it would be just another regular Supra meet that wouldn't have nearly the draw that SILV has enjoyed in the past. People would not travel great distances to attend a meet that was just like the one across town or in the next state. So the end result would be a smaller meet with the only difference being that it was held in Las Vegas.

Where is my motiviation at that point?

My original goal with SILV was to build the biggest Supra event anywhere. We hit that goal in the second year topping the ~70 Supras that were showing up to the Mid-Atlantic events at the time. We then smashed that record over and over again as we kept resetting the bar higher and higher.

From 1999 on we never dipped below 100 Supras in the parking lot at the Show-and-Shine and twice (2005 and 2008) we had 200 Supras gleaming in the desert sun.

We've had Supras peg the dyno three times over the years. The first was at 1200whp and the last two were each at 1500whp.

We've seen horsepower numbers climb from Ken Henderson's 405 in 1997 to more than 1500whp this past year.

In 2000 I nearly cancelled the entire event due to a lack of sponsor funds. After chatting with a few big names in the community it was determined that we didn't need all the fluff and that people just wanted a coordinated place to come together.

I still get complaints about that event - and people still claim SILV sucks because that was their only experience. We've completely reinveted SILV since then and I believe that SILV08 was clear proof.

So... do I want to return to a program like 2000 and have to dig back out of that hole again? NOT ON YOUR LIFE!

I want people to remember SILV08, be sad to see us skip SILV09, and then return to SILV10 with a vengence. Can you imagine 300 Supras in that lot?


Nov 15, 2007
Please don't take this the wrong way; but, we can't always have the biggest and the best all the time. That's just life!

I'm not sure that cancelling because it won't be a bigger better event than the previous year is a good motive or frame of mind to base events on. That's a recipe for dissappointment!

After all...why do we even put events together...? BBQ's, Cruises, etc... It's not to get the attention of the whole world...or be known for having the most prosperous event EVER! It's to get together as a car community that is built on great cars...great people...and comradery!

Now, I for one can't help financially; but, I am willing to donate my time to design some T-Shirts, Hats, and such...


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Portland, OR
CajunKenny - I totally understand there will be ups and downs but this down is much bigger than the typical sway.

Also, we've been watching for years as people say "I went last year and so I'll skip this year and go next year."

We've been working on how to move to a every other year program for a while now. This year seems like the best time to make that switch.

We were on track to lose at least half of our sponsor dollars that we had last year. Add on top of that a loss of participants that in the past have helped raise the rest of the money to cover the budget gap.

I have put it out there that if someone wants to hand me a check to cover my budget plan this year I will coordinate SILV09. I've been contacted by two different people and have not heard back a reply to my quote.

Please understand... I spend something around 1000 hours just planning this event each year. With the anticipated amount of drop in both sponsorship and participation this is the best decision.

Again... if someone wants to hand me a check for my budget plan and then go out and find the sponsorships to pay themselves back... please contact me at


Nov 15, 2007
I understand Keith. I know that the decision has already been made and probably can't be reversed. I wasn't just pointing you out with my post so PLEASE don't take it that way! I was just trying to be an encouragement.

I was also addressing those that wish to try and put something together outside of SILV. I will try to help offset some of the cost with some designs. I'm sure other talented folks here can pitch in as well!

A great time can still be had and a year off from SILV will give a lot of us, myself included, a chance to gear up and make it 2010.

So onward and upward and if I can be of assistance to you Keith or anyone else putting something together, just let me know! :)


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
how about "supras IN las vegas instead." you could make it sIlv instead of SILV. lol. this is a major bummer man.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Portland, OR
hvyman;1274341 said:
how about "supras IN las vegas instead." you could make it sIlv instead of SILV. lol. this is a major bummer man.

SILV is a mark owned by me as well as it relates to a Supra event in Las Vegas.

Turbo Drifter

New Member
Dec 8, 2005
Surrey, BC Canada
KeithH;1274558 said:
SILV is a mark owned by me as well as it relates to a Supra event in Las Vegas.

That's great so what you are saying is any event Supra related in Vegas Official or otherwise is property of you? Or am i reading this wrong?

I have a feeling this event skipping a year will have more negative affect on it than positive. I know there is no point in trying to bring it back this year.

I'm sure that the event contributes quite a bit to the local Vegas economy and other areas. Think of all the people that work all year to get there and the $$ that is spent doing so. It just making the depression worse as less people will be spending there money ear marked for this event. In turn its also hurting the people that sponsor such an event as that $$ is not getting spent there this year. Its such a vicious circle.

One bonus of this down turn is I'm sure that there would be lots of cheap hotels in Vegas this fall.

I my self do not care about the Welcome packages, Poker chips, and other fluff (seems to be were you are saying all the cost is). I'm going to meet people that I have talked to and interacted with on the forums for years. Have fun at a larger event than any in the NW and have a fun car filled weekend. I know I will not be wining anything so I guess the trophy thing is not a big deal to me. This whole event seems to have gotten very commercialized and bloated with things that are not the reason it was started and for that I think its gotten off track.

Now take all that I have said with a grain of Salt as I have never made it to a SILV meet. I have been trying for 7 years and finally had a shot this year. Its always been that end of year motivator to get the car working or save that $$ for the trip.

One last thing, whats to say that next year will be any better economy or sponsor dollar wise. What happens if there is even less than this year? Are you going to take a 2 year hiatus? That would be very detrimental to the meet. It will totally slip off the radar as a National Supra meet if skipping this year dose not do that already.

Good luck all and Keith I did not mean to in anyway offend you I'm just voicing my feelings on this.

Keep us up to date on the "non SILV" Vegas meet who ever is doing this...Jeff?



Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
I was there this last year (08) and back in 05, both times were great fun, along with the 1800+ mile drive each way from Canada. I hate all this "economic downturn" crap I keep hearing, and like Turbo Drifter said, everyone hears it and get scared and stops spending money. Its almost like it is purposley being brought on by ourselves by not spending money. Is it really that bad in the US?, here in Canada I know of some people that have been laid off, but how many of you in the US are unemployed that werent a year ago?. Myself as a Vendor her on SM, I havent seen a drop in sales in the last 6 months to a year, infact sales are up higher than ever.

It seems like there few issues preventing the event from happening this year. But what is the primary reason. Is it that the sponsors have pulled out?, or fear that the attendance will be low?, or that you (Keith) cant or don't want to plan it or deal with the hassel this year?. Which is totally understandable with the amount of hours and effort you put into it. I know I wouldnt attempt to plan something like this. Keith I applaud you for planning this huge event every year, I dont mean to put you down about this, but I think that if we put our heads togeather we can figure something out, maybe someone will step up and help plan the event. I am also afraid that if we skip one year, it could turn into two, and before you know it its dead in the water (or desert :) ). I can see that if its loosing money, as no one expects you to carry the costs. But if its still in the black, I dont see why it wouldnt continue.

Also, roughly what kind of money are we talking about to cover the whole event, $500, $5000, $10,000, $50,000? Just curious as I am sure if we had an idea of what it takes there might be someone willing to help out. We could skip out on a few things, like welcome packages, poker chips etc.. Most owners dont have a problem paying for the dyno, show shine and racing to cover the costs.
Dec 3, 2003
Turbo Drifter;1274592 said:
I my self do not care about the Welcome packages, Poker chips, and other fluff (seems to be were you are saying all the cost is). I'm going to meet people that I have talked to and interacted with on the forums for years. Have fun at a larger event than any in the NW and have a fun car filled weekend. I know I will not be wining anything so I guess the trophy thing is not a big deal to me. This whole event seems to have gotten very commercialized and bloated with things that are not the reason it was started and for that I think its gotten off track.


True story. I agree with this 100%. It's about people meeting each other and having fun, nothing else. The track, dyno and show & shine can be done and leave the rest of the stuff out of it. If you want to play poker, take a vacation there and do it then, SILV is a meet for Supras. :)



Undergoing Construction
Jan 29, 2006
Vegas WILL happen. Already working on it. We will just have a different name and that is fine. Watch for details, I am tying up some loose ends right now. I think it is time to "Mix It Up".
