Hey... I resemble that comment.

This is true. I get no monitary gains from this event. Sure... I've had a free hotel room for the past few years... and now that I am not driving my own Supra down the event does pay for my pimp'n minivan rental so I can haul all of the stuff down...
Rennat - we've had an RSVP list for several years now. Since we are adding the Registration fee this year I have to make some adjustments but there will be a public list posted. Once the site is launched that list will start to be populated.
Last year the classes were as follows:
Dyno Challenge
Highest HP 4/5/6M NA
Highest HP NA Unlimited
Highest HP 7M-GTE Mild (CT26 Housing no nitrous)
Highest HP 2JZ-GTE Mild (CT12 Housings no nitrous)
Highest HP 7M-GTE Wild (Any Turbo no nitrous)
Highest HP 1JZ-GTE Wild (Any Turbo no nitrous)
Highest HP 2JZ-GTE Wild (Any Turbo no nitrous)
Highest HP 7M-GTE Unlimited (Anything goes)
Highest HP 2JZ-GTE Unlimited (Anything goes)
Poker Tournament
Grand Champion
Best In-Car Entertainment MkII
Best In-Car Entertainment MkIII
Best In-Car Entertainment MkIV
Best Interior MkII
Best Interior MkIII
Best Interior MkIV
Best Engine MkII
Best Engine MkIII
Best Engine MkIV
Best Exterior Stock MkII - will be changed to "Best Exterior MkII" for SILV08
Best Exterior Stock MkIII
Best Exterior Stock MkIV
Best Exterior Modified MkII - will be dropped for SILV08
Best Exterior Modified MkIII
Best Exterior Modified MkIV
1st Place XXXXXXX - Possible new award for all Supra generations for SILV08
2nd Place XXXXXXX - Possible new award for all Supra generations for SILV08
3rd Place XXXXXXX - Possible new award for all Supra generations for SILV08
Drag Showdown
Single Turbo MkIII/Turbo MkII
Stock Twins MkIV
Street Turbo
Pro Turbo
6-Speed Challenge - no participants