We don't have the date locked down yet. There is a tentative date but it still needs to be confirmed.
We are building a Board of Directors for SILV08 and beyond. The board will be made up of people representing the MkI/MkII, MkIII, and MkIV communities as well as a rep from our banner sponsor. The board will help us make decisions and make sure we take all aspects of the Supra community into account when planning.
We are also going to be forming various committees to take care of various aspects of the event. This will include things like the T-shirt and information packet design.
We will continue to expand the Activity Coordinator roles.
We are very excited that two people have already accepted invitations to join the Board of Directors.
Bob Sully has been attending SILV for a number of years and last year was the Dyno Challenge Coordinator. Bob is very active in the MkII community and will represent that group very well.
Chris Jensen has attended all 11 of the past SILV events and has been one of the core coordinators nearly as long. Chris has one of the cleanest MkIIIs I've ever seen and will represent this group very well.
I have one more invitation to make for the MkIV community. I hope that this person accepts as it will put a very strong name behind this annual Supra tradition.
Each seat on the board will be made up of two reps from each group actually. This is to promote cross communication and to ensure that no detail is overlooked. We will be calling for nominations for the second seat in the near future.
SILV has been a GREAT event for many years and we hope to continue that tradition moving forward.
After 11 years it is clearly time to spread the planning out across more people.
Most people don't know this but last summer I had a gnarly accident on my inline skates. I spent 6 hours in the ER (mostly waiting to see a Dr). The accident has made it VERY painful to sit - I spent 5 days curled up laying on my side it was so bad - nearly broke my tailbone. WTF?!? I don't have a tail... why the F do I need a tailbone.
The drive to Vegas (13 hours the first day and another 4 - 5 the second) was excruciatingly painful. There were times I had to wedge my feet on the floorboards and my back on the seat so I could lift my @$$ off of the seat.
I'm actually still in pain sitting here typing this right now and it has been more than 6 months. WTF?!?! I have NEVER had anything hurt this long before.
This experience has shown me that I was wrong (damn it is hard to admit that I was ever wrong). I am not invincible.
If that accident would have happened a bit closer to the event I would not have been able to make the drive. WTF would we have done in that case? The money was already spent. I was screwed.
We're working on things. I'll post up for Board volunteers, coordinators, committee members etc over the coming months.
In the mean time please help support this annual Supra tradition by purchasing some of our past T-shirts. Everything is on sale and we are offering flat shipping no matter how many items you purchase.
http://Vegas.Supras.Org/shop for more info.
Supras Invade Las Vegas