Do you want it like your old one or do you want something totally new? I will work on it in the next couple of days because I have to leave for Albuquerque in the morning and then I have a softball game at 7 when I get back so I'm not sure if I'll be up to it or not tomorrow, but I promise I will get it done. Also Loki and Theressa and all the others talented in graphic design should give it a shot in case he like them better or something. Also if SupraHero gets me those pics I will have to work on his some too so it could be a couple days before it is done. I hope your not in a rushjohnathan1 said:a couple more.
stanzaspeed said:could someone chop up a sig for lil ol me?
LOL oopsjohnathan1 said:Those are good^^...but you spelled my name wrong! lol and i kinda wanted a pic that had the front and back in it, maybe like faded in the corner? I'm not sure...but you're definitely on the right track!
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Can you make this say
with some kind of trippy background? or something kool?just a request doesnt need to be done