Should I be worried? Is this a gas leak?


Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
so dont taste the stuff coming out of my tailpipe? Check!

time to go smell my ammonia and bleach experiment!


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
AF1JZ;886604 said:
LOX is definitely some bad stuff if it touches your skin. When I would fill the lox converters on the C-141, it would purge and go into the drip pan. Then I would find the closest insect and drop it in the boiling lox. It was freeze instantly.

The hydrazine is most certainly nasty!!!! An aircraft where I was deployed at (can't say which one) had that stuff. They say it can kill you with a minimum amount of exposure.

One last bad fluid that I can think of is Skydral (hydraulic fluid). That stuff can do some damage. I've heard of people that have used it for paint stripper with no problems. They use it on the other aircraft that we have here, not the one that I work on.

I know what aircraft it was. ;)

Back in the day, I dipped a cigarette in LOX...a friend of mine would always bum one after a flight. So I gave it to him. The whole thing burned to the butt in a nano second when he lit it...LOL!