Sharing my BHG


The Juggernaut has my old
id go ahead take the engine apart have the block and head machined and put new rings and bearings in it.. youll have a fresh engine with metal headgasket... youll be good for some nice hp....

when my buddy wanted a mhg on his 7mgte since it was too risky to machine the block with it assembled so we went ahead and rebuilt the engine since everything had to come out anyway... no since and going back with used bearings and rings..

as long as the cyl walls.. dont need boring and the crank doesnt need machining its not really that expensive... ended up costing him 1500 for the complete rebuild mhg and all new rings, bearing, seals, gaskets, and redone head of course thats with no labor cost on tearing down the engine and reassembling it since I did it for him with no charge....the machine work was 875 of the 1500 the rest was mhg, headstuds and all gaskets and seals needed... A machine shop in nashville did the machine work on it(usa motors).... took everything to them they cleaned everything polished the crank rehoned the cyl. walls and machined the block to the correct ra needed... plus they went ahead and mic'd and ordered the bearings for us... he also had the valves in the head reseated and shimmed along with new valve seals......and the head machined for the mhg... all in all very worth it... fresh engine with mhg done right... and who wouldnt give 1500 for a rebuilt engine with mhg done right.....

either way good luck....

Frank Rizzo

Jul 25, 2007
Fixing your girl's car
I noticed it blew on the intake side, not the normal distorted exhaust coolant passages BHG. In my opinion, this should not have happened with ARP studs and your mods. I also notice carbon on the HG surrounding cylinder 3 intake side. That baby was leaking combustion for some time before the blow out. Was the straw that broke the camel's back.


나는 제프가 당신을 사랑
Aug 16, 2005
North Vernon, IN
I wondering if my head is warped, I didn't have it milled when I replaced it the first time. Regardless the head will be rebuilt and milled.

I didn't notice the carbon before I think are right, thats interesting. So I'm sure it has slowly been eaten away and then just gave up instead of blowing all the sudden.

I'm also eating a far amount of oil from my tubro, so I guess that could have caused some detonation.

Turbo will being going to MDC's here shortly for a 57 GT upgrade.

Waiting to see how money is going to be after Christmas before I decide what I'm going to do for sure.

I would really love to get it rebuilt like suprarcr89 suggested, this is really the right thing to do, I just hate for the car to be down a long time if money tight but I also believe in doing things right....Thought I was the first time with the boost I was running....Ran strong for 2 years so can't complain too much. It's not my DD so really doesn't matter if its down but I love to drive it.

Thanks for all the comments.


나는 제프가 당신을 사랑
Aug 16, 2005
North Vernon, IN
I'm taking the engine to the guy MDC suggested tomorrow.

As long as they find nothing wrong, its going to cost me around 1000 to get the head rebuilt, block and head prepped for MHG and the bottom end gone through and it re-ringed.