It was just your average "I'm new to Supra's but not to high performance I've had....... blah blah blah" type bullshit newbie.
You know the type that looks at the stock out put then starts adding up all the single mods they've done and think "I have 280rwhp".
We see this sort of fucktard here from time to time and they usually have "racing" or "performance" as part of their username not realising ANY tool can call themselves whatever they like but you can't hide a shittalker that has NFI once they open their fool mouth and confirm it.
On top of his 280rwhp NA he was trying to decide what's his upgrade path, 7MGTE, 2JGTE or wait for it Super Charge the NA and dribbled shit about a T60 Garrett turbo.
I asked for Pics,Vid or a Dyno chart from the GE and he closed the thread citing
too many shit talkers and no useful input
(never mind I'd already called him a polite shittalker.