Seafoamed the Supra


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
Well it was time for my amsoil to be changed and a new filter screwed on, so this morning I got my oil out, AMSOIL 10W-30 Turbo formulated synthetic and a K&N oil filter, I went through the pain in the ass of changing the oil filter and oil, cleaned off my garage floor and my arms, and then the fun began, I poured a can of seafoam in my fuel tank, then I took a 1/2 a pint and while the engine was running sucked it into the engine thru the vacuum hose running off the intake manifold into the brake booster, I would have used the PCV but I wasn't for sure which hose it was so I played it safe.
As most know it puts on a hell of a smoke show, but mine didn't throw much in the way of black gunk out like I've seen on a lot of cars so maybe its a sign I have a clean motor, I do change the oil and filter early most times, run 93 octane and when I switched to amsoil I ran engine cleaner through and then drained the dino fluid which was full of gunk, so maybe I didn't need to seafoam all that badly, but I did notice it idles very smooth and now revs quicker and smoother, I haven't checked for gas mileage change yet since I haven't driven it but 5 miles yet. My tank probably still has some in it, but I burnt through all of what I put in through the vacuum line. This shit works and its a blast to do since you get to rev the motor and flood your nieghborhood with smoke. LOL

Aaron J Williams

Make It So!!!
Jul 23, 2006
Luck, Wisconsin
Wow, you seafoamed your car and it actually improved? If you listen to some on this board, you would think seafoam destroys your engine! I too love the part when you take the car out for a test spin and fog the neighbors out mercilessly.:evil2: I've gotten some strange looks from people when I blow that huge smoke cloud and it is hilarious!


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
Yea, haha I did that, I got sick of idling it up and revving it so I said screw it and drove around trhe block, a cop saw me but I guess he knew what I was doing cuz he just laughed and waved, lol.
It hasn't destroyed it yet, I'm betting someone had a problem and did the seafoam and it happened to break right after they had done the treatment, I've seen people do it on many types of cars and it always seems to improve performance.

AMSOIL + Seafoam + Good Quality 93 octane fuel = Happy clean engine


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
It's not about me, it's about science and the knowledge born of it. In technical matters science is the only antidote to the poison of opinion.

It's not my intention to come across as a prick but sometimes the ignorance here is more than a little tough to swallow. If I addressed even a fraction of the misinformation I see posted, especially by those who don't know what they don't know, it'd become a huge time sink. I simply can't do it.

Nor will I debate. If people are unwilling to educate themselves about the science behind why some things work, why some don't, why they may have certain effects, and how those effects can be used to fool a gullible public, they're certainly not going to listen to someone who has.

That they won't listen is something *I've* learned. In the end it's their whatever and they can do with it as they please. What happens is of no consequence to me. I make a reasonable effort to steer such people straight and then quit. If I didn't it'd leave precious little time for helping those who are receptive to learning.

As such I'm done with the subject other than to say the product in question has valid uses but this isn't one of them.

Insidious Surmiser

Formerly 89jdm7m
May 12, 2006
jetjock said:
That they won't listen is something *I've* learned. In the end it's their whatever and they can do with it as they please.
well, please unlearn what you think you know :)

i'm by deffinition "open minded" i enjoy learning new things as much as possible


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
Jet Jock, you could have just ya know told us all what the "consequenses" are, I've been told its good thing to do by a lot of credible people and seen it used on some cars, a lot higher end the an 80's supra with no problems, that's why I'm curious to hear what you had to say.


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
I wouldn't argue with you, since I am willing to openly say I don't know much about a lot of things but you could have just stated your opinion rather than type a long post about how everyones a dumbass and falls for marketing ploys, well that may be so but the only people who supposedly know this shit (IE you) just make random statements that really do little more than irritate people who just wanna learn more.


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
well I just read through a dozen posts and a couple of sites about it, it's damn near 50/50 split on either people who hate it and it destroyed thier engine or people who love it and swear by it. My cars still running well, and seemed to pull a bit stronger today when I had an impromptu run with a z28, I used it in the intake manifold and fuel tank, from what I've read the people who begin using oil are also the ones who add it to thier oil, which I didn't do because I was told that it isn't good in there, since it creates blow-by. That's just what I was told. As of now its running a lot smoother and a lil stronger than it was before so I'm still positive of it, I have heard a couple stories of high mileage v8's getting real messed up after a treatment, what thats from I don't know and niether do the owners of the said vehicles. One of those guys had a 91 4 runner that ended up using oil and later blowing due to starvation, but this guy wasn't much for maintaining his car and he never checked the oil even after the light came on, and the 4 runner had 420,000 miles on it, quite a few miles I'd say so I doubt the seafoam killed that particular car. If it fucks up then hey just one more reason to go 1jz and 5 speed like I want, I know thats a sin on here but I don't feel like using 4 grand just to rebuild the motor then pay for a new turbo and other mods when I could get more for the same amount of dough.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
personally, i think that you have to take JJ's posts differently. instead of getting mad that he's not spoon feeding the information to everyone, why doesn't everyone take it upon themselves to search around and learn for themselves?

if you really want to know, that's what you should do. if it's one thing i've learned, it's to never rely on any single person to provide you with information all the time. yet, they'll provoke your thoughts, and the rest is up to you. ;)

anyway, that's how i interpreted his post. :)



creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
I said what the consequences are in a recent thread. It was rebuked so I left it up to the members to decide. You have to remember I deal with this sort of stuff all the time so when I run into those who "know better" I back off.

I'll say it again: The product has it's uses but this isn't one of them. Using it this way only lightens your wallet and shortens the life of your cat without benefit. The product is mostly light oil. Where do you think all the smoke comes from? Since when is combusting oil in either the cylinders or converter good? Rich mixtures kill cats so oil won't? If it removes any carbon it'll only be a tiny amount. If all you have is a tiny amount you're doing more harm then good because a small amount works to protect the piston crown. Good thing it comes right back, which makes the "treatment" even more of a waste. If you want to clean excessive carbon use water injection, an overnight piston soak, walnut blasting, or any of the other *proven* methods. Once it's gone keep it at bay by regular use of a PEA based fuel additive.

Aside from all the other tests you could've done a simple way for verifying it's lack of effectiveness is to examine the motor, including the valves, before and after using a borescope. I have a surplus medical instrument I use for those jobs. It was originally designed for, well, lets just say it's been shoved inside far worse places than a motor. I would've suggested doing this except it's already been done by myself and many, many other people who aren't as gullible as most of the public. The results are always the same: it does squat. People who swear by it don't do science. They accept anecdotal evidence from others. Being ignorant is not the same as being a dumbass but imo anyone who uses something without understanding the science behind it, based on what others say who also don't, is.

At least you did some "research" even if it wasn't the best kind. And like most people you did it after the fact. Frankly, if I was going to rely on what others say about a product's effectiveness (and I never do) I'd sure as hell require a lot better than 50% odds before any cash came flying outta my wallet. And even if the product did work I'll point out injecting anything into the brake booster line results in a very poor distribution of it across cylinders. If you feel a need to dump stuff into your engine do it upstream of the plenum, through the throttle body for example.

Another +1 for Shaeff. He seems to be one of the few who get it...
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( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
Lucky for me since I don't have a catalytic converter. I didn't pay for it and like I said I did see some positive results from it but then again theres no way to know unless I thouroughly looked over the head and cylinder, which being a working person who also goes to school, I just don't have the time. I just get annoyed when people talk down to me especially when theres no need for it, but its cool.