okay so i have been having bad idlel problems with my car not wanting to start and when it did it had a very low idle, and was runnig rich i have done almost everything(changed, spark plugs change all vacume lines,full tune up everything) but i think i might have finally found the problem. i Finally got my car started an when i did i kept hearing a hissing sound. i was like this is impossible i have changed every vacume line there is, so iam checking around by the throttle body and i notice a hole so i put my finger on it and it stoped i am woundering if this is what causing my car to idle so bad and should it just be pluged with any screw? or do i need to get the stock screw back? and will this make my car idel better? i have a pic of what iam talking about coudn't get a pic of my car so i borrowed one. let me know if you can help i need all the help i can get. :aigo: :1zhelp: :cry: thanks