About a month ago i some jack ass keyed up my car on both sides.:icon_evil I'm planning on painting the car any way but not untill i save some more money to do it. In the meantime I've been looking for a cost effective alternative. The paint on the car right now is midnightstorm with pearls and metallics, so color matching it has been a pain and almost impossible.:nono: I have gone to several paint shops and they have quoted me a few hundred dollars to fix it and they make no guarantees of how well it will match. I saw an ad for this scratch remover that is supposed to apply a type of clear coat that fills the scratch and because its clear its supposed to match the paint. I wanted to know if anyone has used it and could tell me how well it works or if it works at all :1zhelp:. Heres the link: https://www.buyfixit.com/ver36/index.asp