ok here how the story goes me and my friend and his 87 rx-7 were heading off to a party in a near by town so were on the highway and decide to get cocky and pass him then he tries to pass me but I floor it and its like a 200km race and I begin to pull on him and tool his ass. Anyways I hear a loud noises or something and think hmm must be from the high speed well I get to town and slow down and hear this loud scraping noises or something and im like ohhh shit wtf is that. My friend in his rx-7 is already at this guys houses and I see him waving his hands yelling to shut the car off. I get out and am like "what is that noise" he said "take a look under the front of your car." So I take a look and the undercarge part(that plastic part under the engine) it came off and the high speed winds must have ripped it off and bent it right under my car so I drive in reverse just to get it facing back right instead of being bent back. So im like all mad but I decide not to take my car any futher to the party and jump in with him. SOO we get back from the party to get my car and I try to duck tape it down(which did fuck all) and try to tuck it in my front lip or anywhere, SO me and my other friend get in and start the ride home (its a 20km drive to where we where going) and are goign like 80km or 60km to try and make it not fall out from the wind we get like 5 min into driving and it falls out and I can hear that deadly scraping noise. I get out and tuck it back in and keep going. Then I c my friends rx-7 sitting in the middle of the road with him out of the car and the 2 girls and some other guy that were with him I think wtf is going on then my other friend says I think he hit something mabye a deer?? so we get closer and see theses fucking huge black skid marks. So I park my car and get out and he says"fuck I hit a deer" and I go look at the damage and the passenger side pop up light is fucking smashed right off and his bumper is bent in, he is all mad and says "fuck lets just keep goign" so he gets back in his car and goes and I walk back to my car. In the mean time I can see the deer in the ditch trying to get up but falling down(its like all stunned and fucked up) so I decide to just get in my car and go ,well we go another 5 min got to get out to put that damn undercarge thing back into my lip so it will stay ,go another 5 min same thing takes me like over half an hour to get home.
anyways here is some pics of it:
sorry the pics arn't that good but it was hard to take a good pic of it and i could have tooken it out from being alll jamed in there but then i have to stick back up in there.
So this fucking sucks im trying to sell my N/a too and now this happens is there anyway to fix it or what?? its not like totally fucked up its still in good shape just broken off from where it bolts on.
anyways here is some pics of it:

sorry the pics arn't that good but it was hard to take a good pic of it and i could have tooken it out from being alll jamed in there but then i have to stick back up in there.
So this fucking sucks im trying to sell my N/a too and now this happens is there anyway to fix it or what?? its not like totally fucked up its still in good shape just broken off from where it bolts on.
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