S374 1.5JZ vs. LS1 w/ 150 shot, full bolt ons, MEXICO


Mar 30, 2005
Just a friendly race somewhere in Mexico.


My mods:
1.5JZ, fully built head, 74mm turbo, 93 octane + meth. 29PSI.

His Mods:
Aftermarket heads, huge cam, header/exhaust, 4.10 gears, 150-175 shot (not really sure but he brought all he had). My guess is he makes low to mid 500's off the bottle. On the bottle, low/mid 600's, easy.

I just could not get it into gear. I was walking away from that car when I was in high RPM, but I could not shift it through. The R154, like a LOT of others here will attest to, does NOT like high RPM shifts. I hate waiting for the turbo to come back online after waiting for the transmission, gives them too much of a chance. He did lose traction and got it back before I hit boost, added vids from that car too.



New Member
Sep 17, 2007
Coastal Georgia
Just imagine how much devastation you would have brought to him if you were running a th350. Transmissions aside, Your car looks like it runs amazing and my jaw drops at thinking of 29psi on a 74mm on 93!!!

I cant help but think it took you hours to persuade him to a roll race. haha


Mar 30, 2005
Thanks FullNelson. I tuned it myself. 29PSI is about the limit I feel comfortable with for 93 octane + meth. Most people stop at 25-26 PSI.


That was him with stock heads, the cam, and no spray. I was on 11-13PSI on my GT40R.

He knows I suck from a dig race, lol.

I am still on my street tune, with no dyno time.

He has a NA tune by some very reputable people....


New Member
Sep 17, 2007
Coastal Georgia
So you beat him once, and he went out and hot heads. So you beat him twice, and hope he dosnt come back with one of these::aigo:


Mar 30, 2005
The LS1 in the video's is still on factory internals, but no doubt it's making the power. I bet those rods are ready to ventilate his block.

I raced a procharged 6.0L LS2, but the blower in the pic you described is significantly larger, lol.


That is my 74mm @ 17PSI and safer than stock timing. He said he got that tuned, but he has not called me out for a rematch.

There is a 4.6L built motor Ford Mustang with a P trim making 761rwhp. I have not raced him at that setting.

I'll be honest, I doubt I'll make that much on pump gas, but 100 octane should get me close to 800rwhp on meth.

Here is another video of my other friend with the GTO on spray. Makes over 400rwhp NA with a tune from Vengance + 150 shot.


After I raced this GTO, I upped my timing. I did not tell the LS1 owner about that, lol.


In Pursuit of 500rwhp
Jul 16, 2005
Atlanta GA
RacerXJ220;1615114 said:
I just could not get it into gear. I was walking away from that car when I was in high RPM, but I could not shift it through. The R154, like a LOT of others here will attest to, does NOT like high RPM shifts. I hate waiting for the turbo to come back online after waiting for the transmission, gives them too much of a chance.

First thing your car is beast!!! Second thing I want to be very clear this isn’t an argument, but it is conversation to help people who don’t know about the MKIII, and how capable they are even after watching the video and reading the comments so here we go .....

I know that you understand about the transmission.... but "the average Joe", which are most people in this would, don’t know. Based off what you said people who don’t know better will misunderstanding what you are saying bc you didn’t state the condition of the r154 at your current power level. They will read it as “ohh this is just another reason the MKIII sucks” so to avoid that I am trying to clarify.... What do think the issue is with the r154? I am pushing to make more power so this important to me and anyone else who is on the same path. Now you said ”The R154, like a LOT of others here will attest to, does NOT like high RPM shifts. I hate waiting for the turbo to come back online after waiting for the transmission, gives them too much of a chance” that makes the r154 sound very weak. Its not designed weak its just old and needs some TLC just like any car or part that has been used since lets just say from 1992-2010 .... that’s 18years for the youngest of the MKIII's. My 89 is holding up great at 467rwhp and 493tq but its old and I feel like I am approaching an upgrade with the r154 internals or go with another tranny myself.

V160/Tilton I don’t know if I would spend that money on it. I have been thinking about a t56 when I saw all the big power clutches they have and the price they sell at lol? They pay a fraction of what pay. What’s your thoughts about the MC upgrade kits for the r154? I saw on their site that they build the r154 to take 1000+rwhp I am about to hit the 500rwhp mark and I don’t have an issue ..... well not yet :) but I do see the pattern happening with these old parts so I know its coming.


Mar 30, 2005
Thanks, I appreciate the compliment, and I am not trying to mislead anybody.

I had a fully rebuilt Marlin Crower Transmission that someone stole.

Even when I was factory, shifting @ higher RPM sucked. I read where ZaZZn, and Suprahero both talk about how bad it is. The syncros were redesigned at some point, I am not sure what years.

I know this transmission has 180K on it. It is still working great except anything higher than factory 7M redline. It is holding the power fine it seems. I always baby the car and I almost always just roll on it.

I do not know anybody who is shifting at 8K rpm on the R-154 like it's nothing. I do not want to lower my redline.

I just want my built R-154 back. I am bitter, so I will describe the agony of high RPM shifts. I should be making all of them.


In Pursuit of 500rwhp
Jul 16, 2005
Atlanta GA
Dude that sucks ..... what’s the feed back from people who running an MC kit in their r154 .... The price MC offers pretty damn good to me why not build the tranny you have now? I m thinking of going the MC built r154 route bc when I add up all the extra cost of a tranny swap its a no brainer if it perform well.


Mar 30, 2005
I am a fan of the T56, I just am going to wait and see what kind of options there are.

I want a six speed, and I want something I can beat to hell that will give me good shifts past 8,000 rpms. I heard the T56's also have issues going into gear at high RPM's too.



New Member
Sep 17, 2007
Coastal Georgia
Have you ever thought about spray? either for spool or for power on a lower timing setting? For that matter, with this VERY eccentric setup you have, E85? ...Then again Im not sure I should be getting you thinking about more power, Duane would get jealous lolz


Mar 30, 2005
I want to break 700+ to the wheels on 93 octane and 50/50. If these guys keep upgrading the motors I will eventually have to do something else, lol.

Mike Morris

New Member
May 4, 2008
Rods breaking on an LS at that level????? Thats not the weak link.

T56s are weird. Some last forever and others with bolt ons blow up..

Google D and D. They make some T56s that are pretty stout.

Nice races-wish you were local to race with my LS...


Mar 30, 2005
Yeah, I have an update to this. I dyno'd on the settings I raced the SSlowmaro and it was just at 601. So with me granny shifting, his car obviously isn't making what the claims are, he's got the mods for it though.

I maxed my wastegate spring and fuel at 27PSI to a sum of 634.5rwhp on the final tune. It was not 29PSI like my AEM wants to tell me. 2PSI with higher settings would have given me the numbers I planned to make, so I am ordering a wastegate spring. This transmission will blow up from power alone, not aggressive shifting. I never force the transmissions I own. They should be made to handle granny shifting at ridiculous RPM's. I just look at the Honda crowd....


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
It was nice of you to wear your Suprahero shirt Jeff...........:biglaugh:

When you guys see that piece of oil covered cardboard fly up, that was from dynoing Vonda's car earlier. It had a massive transmission fluid leak. I fixed it this evening. Her car by the way made 353rwhp and 358rwtq @ 15 psi through her automatic. I'll raise the boost later. The boost controller was being a pita.


Mar 30, 2005
Wow, you can really hear the SP Quick Spool Valve working with an open downpipe! Listen from 1:02 to 1:05, you can hear the valve opening, lol.

Jay, the Hueytown news station reported that all of the mosquitos were wiped out by an anynomous fogging. A lot of species went extinct last Friday. Strange.

Yes, I wore my shirt, lol.

Those were nice numbers, but in all seriousness I wanna see what else is holding it back. Ever thought about a decent inexpensive standalone for her car?


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I don't think there's anything holding her power back. 350 through an automatic is pretty good for 15psi. I think that would be somewhere near 410 through a five speed. I would have already given her my Stinger if it would control automatics and then I could have bought the 6860 for mine.

It's a good think you were able to pass me on the highway or my James Bond Smoke Screen could have caused you some problems.............lol