Hey guys,
Sorry I searched for an hour and know the Australian chick just posted a thread a bit back about the order to wire them in but I can't find it for the life of me! I am wiring my S-AFC II in tomorrow and the car already has a FCD wired in. What order do I wire them in?
Also does anyone have the diagram for the FCD wiring? Mine is kinda just chilling in the glove box so I will redo it while I am in there and wire it poperly!
Thanks for the help,
Sorry I searched for an hour and know the Australian chick just posted a thread a bit back about the order to wire them in but I can't find it for the life of me! I am wiring my S-AFC II in tomorrow and the car already has a FCD wired in. What order do I wire them in?
Also does anyone have the diagram for the FCD wiring? Mine is kinda just chilling in the glove box so I will redo it while I am in there and wire it poperly!
Thanks for the help,