I don't personally own the Do-Luck RXB but I have heard great reviews on a slight increase in rigidity especially with targa owners. And My buddy (Fellow supra owner.... Mk3) came up with this from ebay:
....and normally I repute every cheaply made Straight from china POS out there, but It made me think realistically that the RXB doesn't serve a particular safety purpose and has to be adjusted during the install anyways, Wouldn't this not be very far from the Original anyways? Just curious. Plus it doesn't look half bad in person.
....and normally I repute every cheaply made Straight from china POS out there, but It made me think realistically that the RXB doesn't serve a particular safety purpose and has to be adjusted during the install anyways, Wouldn't this not be very far from the Original anyways? Just curious. Plus it doesn't look half bad in person.