I just bought a BIC DDP off a member on here and have a quick question. Currently my exhaust is one piece from the turbo back, the flange broke off the stock dp and my straight pipe exhaust was just welded to it by the muffler shop (stupid I know...).
Now I am going to cut the exhaust to take the stock Dp off but wonder if having the DP hanging from the turbo (even if just for a week or two) until I can find an exhaust shop that is willing to work on a catalytic converter free car will be putting a lot of stress on the turbine housing and exhaust manifold. I was just wondering if anyone has run open DDP without the exhaust holding the end of the pipe up without ill effect?
Also has anyone welded on a bracket that bolts up to the tranny(I think thats where the stock DP is bolted on but I cant remember) on a DDP style dp? Is this completely unneccasary? I think I am going to put it on mine to help keep extra loading off the turbine housing once it is installed.
Any experience with this is appreciated
I just bought a BIC DDP off a member on here and have a quick question. Currently my exhaust is one piece from the turbo back, the flange broke off the stock dp and my straight pipe exhaust was just welded to it by the muffler shop (stupid I know...).
Now I am going to cut the exhaust to take the stock Dp off but wonder if having the DP hanging from the turbo (even if just for a week or two) until I can find an exhaust shop that is willing to work on a catalytic converter free car will be putting a lot of stress on the turbine housing and exhaust manifold. I was just wondering if anyone has run open DDP without the exhaust holding the end of the pipe up without ill effect?
Also has anyone welded on a bracket that bolts up to the tranny(I think thats where the stock DP is bolted on but I cant remember) on a DDP style dp? Is this completely unneccasary? I think I am going to put it on mine to help keep extra loading off the turbine housing once it is installed.
Any experience with this is appreciated