They're both fast, Manny stronger, Floyd better skills. Floyd is a tactition in the ring. Manny is looking to put opponents on the canvas... fast. Manny's boxing skills have greatly improved over time, but still cannot out box Floyd. I'm not going to sit here and compare each others fights cause they're both different types of boxers. It does seem as though Floyd has been running from this fight. But they day has to come for them to duke it out.
If it goes the distance, and if the judges are fair, then Floyd will be victorious. If it doesn't go the distance then we'll know Floyd will be on his back. I like both boxers equally, and I can't wait for this fight.
Oh, Floyd does have a big head and mouth. Other than that he's awesome.
EDIT: Did Manny refuse to do a drug test??? I hope he's not juiced up on something. That would be so heartbreaking.