Rough Idle at 10* BTDC/ bad gas milage & Overheating+Full resevoir


New Member
May 31, 2005
Columbia, MO
Lately i've been having problems with my supra. It's an 89' NA.. and it's rebuilt about 10k ago, So it lopes and sounds like missing from the muffler, and when i'm slowing down the Exhaust will backfire, like it'll pop alot, and it's pretty bad at idle and sometimes right when i start it up it'll idle Really rough at 500rpm or less then I rev it and it idles at normal 700-750... After it's warmed up.. So i Reset the timing turned the crank pulley to 0 TDC on the compression stroke then installed the Distributer where it pointed to #1 and it idles and Runs horrible at 10* BTDC, only Runs DECENT at 15*+ BTDC.... It got 200 miles to the Full tank which i figured about 10-11mpg..?!? But still runs smooth and fine when i'm going down the road.... I was getting code 24 and 31... not sure if they'de be concerning this problem... AFM wire harness issues (brand new afm) But now it overheats.. almost got in the red... the Overflow resevoir spits coolant out sometimes.. and the Usually it's empty... SO i filled to The full mark and now it's All the way to the tip top with coolant and i Didn't Add any?? I don't understand this.....? I tested the Distributer harness and it's throwing the right Ohms.. or whatever.. I checked the Coil and it's good But i could check the coil and where the Coil wire goes into.... it wouldn't work.. Not sure if i did something wrong.... I want better gas milage, NO overheating, and a Smooth idle.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Pull the distributor and physically verify the timing of both that and the cams and crank.

The coolant thing could just be a bad thermostat or rad cap... so start with those and work your way into the lower pits of hell from there.


New Member
May 31, 2005
Columbia, MO
I'm gonna pull the cam cover off and Verify the timing on the cam gears, so i'll see... Could egr removal cause missing and backfire?


New Member
May 31, 2005
Columbia, MO
Ok, got it fixed, The cams were out of time, Both gears jumped a few teeth... It runs good now, Seems to be Sippin' on the gas but now I have alot less power than before but once it gets to about 5k There's a huge power difference in the high rpms. But it still backfires on shifts and pops alot, And lopes pretty roughly. But it doesn't overheat anymore but my coolant light keeps coming on even after i top off the resevoir, I'll fill it up again.


Supramania Contributor
Jan 8, 2007
Baytown, Texas
Check the float in the reservoir bottle, and make sure it isn't stuck. When you put the timing light on the car, are you jumpering E1 and Te1? Check for a vacuum leak where the line comes up to the intake tube from behind the power steering, the hose from the isc valve to the t.b., and the acis as well.


New Member
May 31, 2005
Columbia, MO
Yes, I jumpered e1 and te1 but now my car's running good with the crank and cams In time, it's at 10* BTDC, But i could have a blown headgasket or the bolts are loose since the Torque Wrench i used was off by about 10ft/lbs of torque.... Could i possibly just retighten them if they're loose?


New Member
May 31, 2005
Columbia, MO
No Smoke anymore, After i got the Cam gears in time and got a new AFM, the car is running great, Only problem is it Hesitates while it's warming up...? After it warms up it runs great.