So it has finally Arrived.
The Final Match Showdown. We will have our Three Finalist battling it out for ROTY.
We have some great support from many people over the year
Our First Anual Ride of the Year has been brought to you by.
Titan Motorsports will be providing the Winner with a Whole Bag full of Goodies. It's a secrect right now, but the winner will soon find out.
ROTY has also been brought to you by the great people at:
The winner will also get their choice of any Brand and Colour turbo timer MVP Motorsports offers.
ROTY also has some great backing by the Moderators and Administrators of Supramania, who will also be adding to the pot. It will be a great Event For all.
The Winner of ROTY will Receive.
- One of the submitted high resolution pictures in the header of the website in rotating order for the whole Year of 2007.
- A gift certificate and/or certificates to a car related sponsor store and/or a car related part and/or parts, accessory and/or accessories
- A sticky in the Ride of the Month Section showing off the car for the Year with any and all pics video and information provided to us.
- There will be other fringe benifits to Winning ROTY. We just won't spoil it all now
So your Contestant for Ride of the Year in an all out, no holds bar, Rumble to the death are.
The Final Match Showdown. We will have our Three Finalist battling it out for ROTY.
We have some great support from many people over the year
Our First Anual Ride of the Year has been brought to you by.

Titan Motorsports will be providing the Winner with a Whole Bag full of Goodies. It's a secrect right now, but the winner will soon find out.
ROTY has also been brought to you by the great people at:

The winner will also get their choice of any Brand and Colour turbo timer MVP Motorsports offers.
ROTY also has some great backing by the Moderators and Administrators of Supramania, who will also be adding to the pot. It will be a great Event For all.
The Winner of ROTY will Receive.
- One of the submitted high resolution pictures in the header of the website in rotating order for the whole Year of 2007.
- A gift certificate and/or certificates to a car related sponsor store and/or a car related part and/or parts, accessory and/or accessories
- A sticky in the Ride of the Month Section showing off the car for the Year with any and all pics video and information provided to us.
- There will be other fringe benifits to Winning ROTY. We just won't spoil it all now
So your Contestant for Ride of the Year in an all out, no holds bar, Rumble to the death are.
Our First Giant is: Nate The Great and the Blue Beast
Name: Nate
SM User Name: kwnate

Year/Color/Model: 1991/ Medium Blue Metallic

Critical Specs Update!

The Second Giant to bring in his "A" Game: Rajunz, Our Red Texas Heat. Don't touch!, He's just to hot!
Name: Lance
SM User Name: Rajunz

Our Third and Final Giant of the Year: our Super hero,, Supra-Hero.
Name: Jay
SM User Name: suprahero

Year/Color/Model: 1991/ Metalic Blue/ Turbo