Ok there seems to be some confusion on the actual ROTM rules!!!!!
So just to help everyone out I have them right here.......
1. Only SM Supra's are allowed to compete in ROTM. If you frequent that other lame ass site no win for you!!!
2. Bobiseverywhere's real name is Josh!! If you call him Bob you are automaticly disqualified!!!
3. If a girl enters her car for ROTM she will automaticly win over a guy!!!
4. If two or more girls enter for ROTM the hotter of the group will be the winner.
5. Blue cars take precedence over any other color. If you enter a blue car you automaticly win!!!
6. If there are more than one blue enteries Ice Blue (AKA Gay Ass Blue) will automaticly win because that owner has to ride around in that ugly ass colored car!!!
7. Suprahero is Gay!!!
8. In the event of a Blue car tie the member with the Hottest wife/girlfriend is proclaimed the winner.
9. Canadian members are not allowed to win because you gave the world Celine Dion!!! (what were you thinking)
10. Finally NA Supra's will get there own special olimpics month!!!
There I hope this will help!!! The ten ROTM rules are very clear and are to be followed every month......................
And as far as bringing your children into ROTM you people should be ashamed of yourselves!!! Children should not be played as pawns in our sick little ROTM game.
Take my little Sydney for example if Vixen doesn't win she is going to go from Happy to really sad!!! Lets not let that happen.................:biglaugh:
Vote Vixen for ROTM cause she's Hot!!!