So Thursday night, on our way home from the Thursday night meet, my Redline met it's end. Driving about 70mph or so on Hwy 441 (only like 5 over the limit), from the Ocala area to Gainesville. Deer ran out in front of us, startled us both. John was driving, since I was tired. He swerved, and missed the deer. Unfortunately, when my bald tires hit the wet grass on the side of the highway, the car lost all traction, and there was no stopping it. We ran headfirst into a tree. The car is totaled, the frame is bent. The driver's side door won't shut. Best guess is that we were doing about 35-40mph when we hit the tree.
We are both okay, just sore and bruised from the seat belts and air bags. Mine look worse, because I was wearing a tank top while John was wearing a t-shirt. I think I pulled something in my left shoulder, but I'm not sure.
We called the insurance Friday, but it will most likely be Monday before we hear anything back from them. They don't work on the weekends, apparently.
Anyway, pics of the car.
A few weeks ago, after BlackSS did a phenomenal detail job on it:
And the day after the crash (yesterday):
We are both okay, just sore and bruised from the seat belts and air bags. Mine look worse, because I was wearing a tank top while John was wearing a t-shirt. I think I pulled something in my left shoulder, but I'm not sure.
We called the insurance Friday, but it will most likely be Monday before we hear anything back from them. They don't work on the weekends, apparently.
Anyway, pics of the car.
A few weeks ago, after BlackSS did a phenomenal detail job on it:

And the day after the crash (yesterday):