

New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Portland, OR
Someone has to say this but if you're thinking about going with the MkIV NAs then why even waste your time/effort/money? At least go for the MkIV TTs.

Everyone is going to have their own personal taste in rims. Heck... there are even people out there that LOVE those POS 3-spokes. YUCK!


Freeway Foreplay
May 11, 2006
c-ville, Utah
^^^ yeah i was gonna say mkiv NA rims are gay as shit, the only plausible reason i can see for using them is if you want your car to look like it came with them stock. TT's are nice and i rocked them for a little while, they give the car a more muscle look.

also i think it is completely retarded when people buy cheap ass rims because it was better on their pocket or you got 16's so you can use the tires off your sawblades...... pick the rims you Really Like and spend the money on them, in the end you will be happier


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Portland, OR

and boostadikt - you are totally right on. If you just get something cheap to get you by until you can get your "good" rims then you are spending MORE money in the long run.

So what if you have a set of sawblades on there now. I've seen those things cleaned up and looking nice on so many cars. I loved having my white sawblades when they were clean. It was just a bitch to keep them clean. Those guys that polish their sawblades have mega respect from me.

Save your pennies and get the rims you REALLY want... not just something to get you by - you already have those.